The Katrina cash register


SO, why should they be made better off than they were before, all on the taxpayers' dime?
they're really working hard to tap the well of sympathy dry. :rolleyes:

Who was the lawyer that put in the claim for $3 quadrillion dollars? Is this guy for real?!! I feel very sorry for what happened in that area affected by Katrina, but I think a lot of people are just looking for a hand out, and trying to take an easy way out. For anyone that was an idiot, and decided to stay in those areas when katrina hit, and were told to evacuate, I don't feel sorry for them, they were stupid enough to stay when a category 5 hurricane (at the time it was in the gulf) was approaching, then they should accept what happened to them because it was their choice to stay. For the one's that couldn't evacuate (elderly, disabled, people in nursing homes), then those are the one's that should be making claims, but not for a billion dollars, especially 3 quadrillion.
I would have asked for a gazillion dollars plus 1.

I have to imagine it's some sort of haggle tactic, though it's just not clear to me.

As far as the people that stayed being morons, I do believe some just had no real way out/no where to go. The other part is people that don't think it's going tobe that bad. I live in the tornado belt of Illinois and those sirens go off so much that I don't really pay attention to it anymore. It's a shame, but it's true.
It's easy to generalize everyone affected by Katrina, but the fact remains that they should have been able to count on the govt. in its various forms to protect them and were let down hard. Sending Blackwater and not enough real rescue workers was double-fucked. No I don't think everyone should "win the lottery" because of this, but putting shit back to normal is NOT too much to ask.

Plus everybody knows that a lawsuit asking for a REASONABLE amount will be laughed out of court or taxed/raped by lawyers into nothing.