The line has been crossed: Google Street View


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
Creepy fucking thing or creepiest fucking thing ever?

Don't know what it is... it's self explanatory. You can now, in select areas (I'm sure more and more places will be added soon) zoom down to street level in cities and look at photographs of landscape and shit. Downside? There is none!

Oh, wait... yeh except for you know... the people there DO NOT KNOW THEY'RE BEING PHOTOGRAPHED AND BROADCAST ON THE NET AT ANY GIVEN TIME.... That and you know, this further enables stalkers/pervs/theives/criminals to pre-plan any misdeeds they want to commit. :rolleyes: Check out some cool shit internet geeks have already discovered with this new tool:

Taking screen caps of unsuspecting people, putting it on the net and laughing. Like dudes leaving strip clubs/porn shops, people semi-nude suntanning... shit like that.

Girl's thong showing

Perv eye-raping sun tanning women

Dude taking a piss on the side of the road

There's tonnes more, just google it!

Confused? Let this fag show you how to work it!

More pics here

A few more photos to look at
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i care, i care to see USA sinking in his own stupidness, its one of the few things that makes me giggle
Yea just like that time you fucked a 30 year old pregnant lady sanchez..

:lol: :lol:

I never said that, I just asked you one time, if you were able to fuck a old girl and pregnant at the same time, and you said no, after that you asked me the same and I answered you, but you get me wrong :lol:

You do always do the same trick, you first ask some home/gay question on the msn and after that u post it, that's gay you know :lol:
he is hardly bilingual i didnt understand shit he said. btw stfu canadian.

He is bilingual, he speaks english well enough to post here on the board and understand what is going on. And everyone else understands him so... If you can't understand him then that's probably because you're a downy mongloid and your brain is all fried from sitting at home smoking pot and playing video games all day :rolleyes:

Go to school sometime?