The longest piece ever (Organ2)


Mortal With Immortal Mind
ASLAP means "as slow as possible." Born in Los Angeles in 1912, Mr. Cage believed random tones or ambient noise could be music. One of his best known pieces,"4'33", is performed by a musician sitting silently at a piano for four minutes and 33 seconds. Now, in the forlorn eastern German city of Halberstadt, in a crumbling medieval church used as a pig sty until a few years ago, Metzger and a group of supporters have started a performance of "Organ2" so slow that it is supposed to continue for six centuries. It began on September 5, 2001, but fans of John Cage haven't missed much since it begins with a rest, or silence. For the first 17 months there was nothing to hear except the wheezing of the organ's bellows. In fact at that time that was the only part of the organ that existed — it is being assembled as the concert goes on. There are plans to turn a building next to the church into a contemporary music center named the John Cage Academy. Each movement lasts 71 years, the shortest notes last 6 or 7 months, the longest about 35 years. There's an intermission in 2319. Since Mr. Cage put no limits on how many of the movements can be repeated, the concert could conceivably last longer than 639 years. "It's really limited by how long the organ holds up, if worms eat into the wood, or the lead pipes begin to decompose." They would like to link the concert to museums around the world. "There could be a room where people could hear a tone from Halberstadt. It would be like an eternal flame."

o_O o_O :headbang: :headbang:
Someone posting on the messageboard for a band who writes half-hour epics and even a full concept album based on ancient mythology is saying that a composer is pretentious. Go figure....
There isn't even a comparison, this guy has written music that most people won't live long enough to enjoy, not even himself. Symphony x's epics, are just that, epic. They arn't long for the sake of being long, or the need to wank for half an hour. They're long because there are a lot of musical ideas that need covering. As for the mythology, how does that make them pretentious? Maybe you are unfamiliar with the term, but it usually means that someone is claming more than they deserve, or they're extravagant. It doesn't seem like writing about mythology for a whole album is being very pretentious to me. It didn't sound like you were joking, but maybe I missed something. If I did, then that was o' so witty and I laugh with you.

[EDIT] My mistake, he's dead.
GOD I hate modern music.

It would be an ambitious project for an actual MUSICAL piece. But this is dumb.

And wow, Symphony X's half hour epics leave me breathless at the end, they take the listener on a journey (for me at least). They're not pretentious, they're... good. Not just some stupid gimmick to gain some musical fame for "creativity."
MC Pee pants said:
There isn't even a comparison, this guy is writing music that most people won't live long enough to enjoy, not even himself. Symphony x's epics, are just that, epic. They arn't long for the sake of being long, or the need to wank for half an hour. They're long because there are a lot of musical ideas that need covering. As for the mythology, how does that make them pretentious? Maybe you are unfamiliar with the term, but it usually means that someone is claming more than they deserve, or they're extravagant. It doesn't seem like writing about mythology for a whole album is being very pretentious to me. It didn't sound like you were joking, but maybe I missed something. If I did, then that was o' so witty and I laugh with you.

I wasn't joking, and it's too bad that you can't see what I meant by it.

I also find it quite odd that someone who listens to prog that is supposed to transcend beyond the traditional boundaries of claiming that someone is pretentious for doing just that: defying the boundaries of music. He was trying something new. If anybody here thinks that trying new things is pretentious, then you have my condolences.
Um... there's a difference between pushing the boundaries of music and doing something like this. I've heard of composers who take manuscript paper into their back yard, hang it up, and shoot it with a BB gun - wherever the holes are, those are the notes. That's not music, that's screwing around; but while screwing around and having fun are fine with me, I wouldn't call it art or music. And that's what this composition sounds like to me - it's a gimmick... a centuries-long piece for the sake of writing a centuries-long piece.

And I have to say that the 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence is, I hate to use the word again, but it is the most pretentious thing I've ever heard of in music. One of my professors thinks it's a great musical statement - I think when I listen to music I want actual sound to listen to.

Sorry, but I'd rather hear enjoyable, moving music than a guy who writes random tones and calls it "pushing the boundaries" - I can't get into the really experimental modern composers. Creative? Yes. Good music? That's a matter of opinion, I guess.

Edit: Had a typo. There are probably more. *shrug*
Well, it turns out that John Cage was a genius of a sort. He was very inventive in 20th century music. He used music wasn't based on the classical ideas that we are used to, but rather made you think about things. Like it 4:33, every performance of it is different, and it makes you think about everything around you more. Aparently he also was really into mushrooms. I asked my dad about him and got a giant barage of information, so if any of you are interested (yeah right) I'd be happy to either post the extened version or pm you.
Luis said:
ASLAP means "as slow as possible." Born in Los Angeles in 1912, Mr. Cage believed random tones or ambient noise could be music. One of his best known pieces,"4'33", is performed by a musician sitting silently at a piano for four minutes and 33 seconds. Now, in the forlorn eastern German city of Halberstadt, in a crumbling medieval church used as a pig sty until a few years ago, Metzger and a group of supporters have started a performance of "Organ2" so slow that it is supposed to continue for six centuries. It began on September 5, 2001, but fans of John Cage haven't missed much since it begins with a rest, or silence. For the first 17 months there was nothing to hear except the wheezing of the organ's bellows. In fact at that time that was the only part of the organ that existed — it is being assembled as the concert goes on. There are plans to turn a building next to the church into a contemporary music center named the John Cage Academy. Each movement lasts 71 years, the shortest notes last 6 or 7 months, the longest about 35 years. There's an intermission in 2319. Since Mr. Cage put no limits on how many of the movements can be repeated, the concert could conceivably last longer than 639 years. "It's really limited by how long the organ holds up, if worms eat into the wood, or the lead pipes begin to decompose." They would like to link the concert to museums around the world. "There could be a room where people could hear a tone from Halberstadt. It would be like an eternal flame."

o_O o_O :headbang: :headbang:

Am I the only one who thanks this is cool? I guess so
Liquid Shadow said:
If anybody here thinks that trying new things is pretentious, then you have my condolences.
If you think Andy Warhol recording a sleeping man for 6 1/2 hours on film or that Cage chap having a pianist sit in front of the piano doing nothing for 4'33'' is "trying new things", you have my condolences. That's not art in any sense of the word.
John Cage is by no means a genius unless you are so simple minded that you buy into the idea that just because someone does somthing that hasn't been done before they are brilliant. John Cage is a moron. Just because musically somthing CAN be done, doesn't mean it should be. It's called taste. Would you herald me as a genius if I wrote a song whose meters were based on prime numbers in sequence and the notes based on the results of groundhog day? It doesn't take a genius to think of stupid crap like that to base music around, that doesn't mean it's good music or even art. If you want to call everything anyone does art, then why bother having standards, or LEARNING music and thinking about why a piece is the way it is and what emotional impact is has. You may as well just stare blankly at everthing and assume that each piece is just as good as the next one. BTW, in his elder years, Cage wanted to take up a hobby and finding that mushroom was next to music in the dictionary he spent the later part of his life picking and collecting mushrooms. This is not a brilliant man, and he is not doing anything worth a damn. American Classical is an excuse to be lazy, take drugs, and call yourself a musician. I have infinite more respect for the people who can craft a tight knit 3:00 min pop song than any of these so called geniuses who feel the need to create noise just because they can. 10 seconds of any given Beatles song has more brilliance in it than John Cage has in his whole life
The Stormbringer said:
If you think Andy Warhol recording a sleeping man for 6 1/2 hours on film or that Cage chap having a pianist sit in front of the piano doing nothing for 4'33'' is "trying new things", you have my condolences. That's not art in any sense of the word.

Actually, it is art - but it's performance art. Not music. Music by definition requires the production of sounds.

And yes, I personally think it's a gimmick and stupid.