The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Traveller


Houses Ov Mercury
Jan 20, 2004
Dracut, MA
I can admit, I'm not a huge fan of Power Metal or Doom Metal. But, this completely blew me away. I didn't even know what I was getting into. Slough Feg incorporate lots of different elements into their music, including Folk and Doom, and some Heavy Metal stuff. I like the transitions, especially, between the slow parts and fast parts. The album has a very medieval feeling, but the interesting thing is that it is now more space-oriented than their older releases. The story has something to do with the Vargr race, and how the humans (or whatever the band or narrator's race is) race created them, and how they are running rampant all of a sudden.

The album contains some nice openings such as "Gene Ocide", and "Vargr Moon". The best tracks are "Curse Of Humaniti", "The Final Gambit", and "Professor's Theme".

Riffs are very solid throughout. Some good lead riffs on "Professor's Theme" and "Vargr Theme: Confrontation". Solos are very good, also, being very non-pretentious and well made.

Drums are very simple and fit the songs well. Some drumming is like marching and some is just very simple army sounding drums. The vocals, also, are very well done. I enjoy the vocal styling very well and hope they continue to use it in further albums. It is soaring at times, and subdued at others, creating a very varied pattern.

Overall, if you're a fan of epic power metal, or doom at ALL, get this. You won't be disappointed.
