So I was very bored, right, and I came up with this:
The Madness of an Opeth Album = Length of album (to nearest minute)/Number of tracks + Number of tracks + Year of release/100
M = (L/N) + N + (Y/100)
Orchid = 65/7 + 7 + 1995/100 = 36.236
Morningrise = 66/5 + 5 + 1997/100 = 38.170
My Arms, Your Hearse = 53/9 + 9 + 1998/100 = 34.869
Still Life = 62/7 + 7 + 1999/100 = 35.847
Blackwater Park = 67/8 + 8 + 2001/100 = 36.385
Deliverance = 61/6 + 6 + 2002/100 = 36.187
Damnation = 43/8 + 8 + 2003/100 = 33.405
Madness Results:
1. Morningrise
2. Blackwater Park
3. Orchid
4. Deliverance
5. Still Life
6. My Arms, Your Hearse
7. Damnation
Note: This is only a formula for Opeth albums and cannot be used to work out madness of other bands albums. This is also only a formula for themadness of an opeth album, and may or may not be a good representation of the 'best' Opeth album.
The Madness of an Opeth Album = Length of album (to nearest minute)/Number of tracks + Number of tracks + Year of release/100
M = (L/N) + N + (Y/100)
Orchid = 65/7 + 7 + 1995/100 = 36.236
Morningrise = 66/5 + 5 + 1997/100 = 38.170
My Arms, Your Hearse = 53/9 + 9 + 1998/100 = 34.869
Still Life = 62/7 + 7 + 1999/100 = 35.847
Blackwater Park = 67/8 + 8 + 2001/100 = 36.385
Deliverance = 61/6 + 6 + 2002/100 = 36.187
Damnation = 43/8 + 8 + 2003/100 = 33.405
Madness Results:
1. Morningrise
2. Blackwater Park
3. Orchid
4. Deliverance
5. Still Life
6. My Arms, Your Hearse
7. Damnation
Note: This is only a formula for Opeth albums and cannot be used to work out madness of other bands albums. This is also only a formula for themadness of an opeth album, and may or may not be a good representation of the 'best' Opeth album.