The Magic Moment-- DC Cooper and Eyefear


Sep 9, 2003
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As I mentioned in the above post there was one special surprise moment that will stand out in my mind forever. As I have stated in a number of my previous posts, I had been talking to Con at Eyefear for about a year about 9 Elements and the possibility of getting them over here somehow. I truly believe between bands like Eyefear, Vanishing Point, Black Majesty and Dungeon/Lord that Australia truly gets the metal scene--

Con had sent me the advance of their new album World Full of Grey at the first of the year, and once I heard that, I was determined to add them to the festival. Lars(Intromental), Con and I worked out the details and made it happen.. They were one of my first choices on the festival..

Now—lets shift to DC Cooper.. DC, Eric and I started talking at the first of the year about how we could have Silent Force on the bill. We already had most of the lineup done by that point, and were not able to shift things around to make this happen. After talking to DC, and being a huge fan of all of his work, and the fact that he is one of the neatest down-to-earth people- I decided that I really wanted to get him out here for a special appearance. We decided that it would be really cool since he was working on Amaran’s Plight with Nick D’Virgilio from Spocks Beard to sing with Spocks on stage.

As I mentioned in the other post – On Thursday evening most of the bands had left and we were down to DC, all the Eyefear guys who had just arrived, and a few other people—I left the Eyefear guys and DC to wander, and went back to the hotel to crash. I knew it was the beginning of a magic combination!!

After the show Friday night and the magical appearance with Spocks, DC and I had a chat over some fine Olde English in the hotel room tossing around ideas of what else he could the next night with the festival. We came up with the idea of having him do some stage announcements We tried to find the Eyefear guys, but they were not in the room. I hit the hay at 4AM, leaving DC to roam around the streets--

After I went to bed, the magic happened—DC went to the Aussies’ room, and they approached him with the idea of doing a song with them as a special surprise to me. Somehow between 4 and 6AM, they ran through the song, loaded it on DC’s player, and left him to go listen to it 1000 times before the show!!

Saturday afternoon arrives and DC and I are reviewing the plan for his announcements on stage. I suggest that he introduce Eyefear, because he has had such a good time hanging with them. I was torn about this, because I really wanted to announce them after all that we had been through to bring them here.

Later that night, before DC made his Eyefear announcement, I heard DC in the back warming up vocally—I thought to myself- this guy is a pro! He is warming up to do stage announcements!!

After he does the introductions for Eyefear, I stand around and try to catch as much of their set as possible. Eric had grabbed me at one point and told me to hang around, because they had a surprise for me—Sammy (keyboards) had mentioned to me that they had brought something from Australia for me- so I expected a koala toss or something hilarious like that. The cumulative effects of very little sleep for the past 2 nights were starting to get to me and I was somewhat dazed.

Then came the moment—DC comes out on stage and joins Danny singing “Whispers of the Soul” off the new album which by now I have listened to 100 times! I HAD NO FRICKING IDEA!! I had the biggest grin on my face and was so incredibly moved by this. DC and Danny catch me in my euphoria, and both point to me and grin—they knew they got me!!

I was so blown away with this that I rank this among the top moments of my life—This made the festival for me and has made some friends for life out of all the Eyefear guys and DC. The fact they would do this to show their appreciation for what I did to pull this festival off and stay up in the wee hours to pull this off moved me beyond belief. I will NEVER forget this--
That was indeed one of the highlights of the whole show. DC and Danny are both vocal powerhouses!!! It totally kicked some serious ass!!
Yeah, that was very cool! I can't believe how quickly he learned the song. His harmonies were awesome!

BTW, I was talking to DC before hand and he had told me he was going to do that. I didn't realize that it was such a surprise though. VERY cool! I'm glad that it made your night/weekend.
Ok! Thats awesome!

I'll be seeing Danny this Friday night when they support Evergrey with Transcending Mortality so I'll be hassling him to give me all the goss on how their US trip went.

Very cool :) So proud of my fellow aussie buds!
I was over by the right hand part of the stage when DC Cooper came up and started jamming with Eyefear, Mrs Dave called me over and had me take a picture of said Huge Grin on Daves face, I will post that later tonight LOL!!!

I could still kick myself in the ass for not getting a pic of myself with them, since I was out there on the street hanging out with them for a little bit between the Eyefear and Zero Hour sets!

But, man, that performance was friggan sweet! Hell, I was impressed with Eyefear alone, and then D.C. Cooper had to get up there - that was just friggan divine! Not only that, but those guys are just so cool!

To add - I was right up there against the stage, directly in front of D.C. Cooper, where they taped down the lyric sheets! Somebody else grabbed the lyric sheets before I got the chance! (grrr)
As I mentioned in the above post there was one special surprise moment that will stand out in my mind forever. As I have stated in a number of my previous posts, I had been talking to Con at Eyefear for about a year about 9 Elements and the possibility of getting them over here somehow. I truly believe between bands like Eyefear, Vanishing Point, Black Majesty and Dungeon/Lord that Australia truly gets the metal scene--

Con had sent me the advance of their new album World Full of Grey at the first of the year, and once I heard that, I was determined to add them to the festival. Lars(Intromental), Con and I worked out the details and made it happen.. They were one of my first choices on the festival..

Now—lets shift to DC Cooper.. DC, Eric and I started talking at the first of the year about how we could have Silent Force on the bill. We already had most of the lineup done by that point, and were not able to shift things around to make this happen. After talking to DC, and being a huge fan of all of his work, and the fact that he is one of the neatest down-to-earth people- I decided that I really wanted to get him out here for a special appearance. We decided that it would be really cool since he was working on Amaran’s Plight with Nick D’Virgilio from Spocks Beard to sing with Spocks on stage.

As I mentioned in the other post – On Thursday evening most of the bands had left and we were down to DC, all the Eyefear guys who had just arrived, and a few other people—I left the Eyefear guys and DC to wander, and went back to the hotel to crash. I knew it was the beginning of a magic combination!!

After the show Friday night and the magical appearance with Spocks, DC and I had a chat over some fine Olde English in the hotel room tossing around ideas of what else he could the next night with the festival. We came up with the idea of having him do some stage announcements We tried to find the Eyefear guys, but they were not in the room. I hit the hay at 4AM, leaving DC to roam around the streets--

After I went to bed, the magic happened—DC went to the Aussies’ room, and they approached him with the idea of doing a song with them as a special surprise to me. Somehow between 4 and 6AM, they ran through the song, loaded it on DC’s player, and left him to go listen to it 1000 times before the show!!

Saturday afternoon arrives and DC and I are reviewing the plan for his announcements on stage. I suggest that he introduce Eyefear, because he has had such a good time hanging with them. I was torn about this, because I really wanted to announce them after all that we had been through to bring them here.

Later that night, before DC made his Eyefear announcement, I heard DC in the back warming up vocally—I thought to myself- this guy is a pro! He is warming up to do stage announcements!!

After he does the introductions for Eyefear, I stand around and try to catch as much of their set as possible. Eric had grabbed me at one point and told me to hang around, because they had a surprise for me—Sammy (keyboards) had mentioned to me that they had brought something from Australia for me- so I expected a koala toss or something hilarious like that. The cumulative effects of very little sleep for the past 2 nights were starting to get to me and I was somewhat dazed.

Then came the moment—DC comes out on stage and joins Danny singing “Whispers of the Soul” off the new album which by now I have listened to 100 times! I HAD NO FRICKING IDEA!! I had the biggest grin on my face and was so incredibly moved by this. DC and Danny catch me in my euphoria, and both point to me and grin—they knew they got me!!

I was so blown away with this that I rank this among the top moments of my life—This made the festival for me and has made some friends for life out of all the Eyefear guys and DC. The fact they would do this to show their appreciation for what I did to pull this festival off and stay up in the wee hours to pull this off moved me beyond belief. I will NEVER forget this--

That was definitely a real treat! Really special to have DC singing twice! :rock:

Having a copy of Amaran's Plight for the ride home would have been icing on the cake, but alas DC said it was just going to master on Monday...
I was so blown away with this that I rank this among the top moments of my life—This made the festival for me and has made some friends for life out of all the Eyefear guys and DC. The fact they would do this to show their appreciation for what I did to pull this festival off and stay up in the wee hours to pull this off moved me beyond belief. I will NEVER forget this--[/QUOTE]

Dude, was the least we could have done for you. We are very happy that you enjoyed it so much !!!!
It was definitely one of the highlights for me as well.
I have been a fan of DC since the Royal Hunt days and never seen him perform live. Awesome voice!!!!!
I also have been a fan of Eyefear's after "9 Elements" came out and even contacted Con directly to purchase their first CD as well.
It was amazing to hear DC & Danny harmonize with very little rehearsal.
Great show guys!!!
That was an awesome moment, I am so glad I got alot of pictures of that!!!

Here are two good ones, with Dave smiling Big :rock:


Hello all,

My name is John W. Crawford. I am the Executive Producer, writer and associate lyricist for the Amaran's Plight project. We certainly thank you for your kind words and hope you enjoy the new CD, Voice in the LIght.

I have never had the priveledge of seeing DC live and would have loved to make it to Barfest, but could not. But, I was able to work with him and watch him lay the vocals for this project which was truly one of MY highlights. His professionalism and talent is truly remarkable. He is a total class act.

The rest of Amaran's Plight is a who's-who in prog-metal with Nick D'Virgilio of Spocks Beard, Gary Wehrkamp of Shadow Gallery and Kurt Barabas of Under the Sun.

The bands official website will be up in a few days and the CD IS availabale for pre-order at

Thanks to Dave at Barfest for a cool gig and for all your support of this new project. Rock on!