hahah my flatmate has got almost exactly the same set up going on.........your crowd seem to have been in on horror night tho....... whereas my buddys audience seems to consist mainly of wwf wrestlers :) and asimpsons style stephen hawkins is in the wheelchair :)
lokey said:
hahah my flatmate has got almost exactly the same set up going on.........your crowd seem to have been in on horror night tho....... whereas my buddys audience seems to consist mainly of wwf wrestlers :) and asimpsons style stephen hawkins is in the wheelchair :)

My husband used to have WWE wrestlers around his stage too. Now, he just has Animal from the Muppets hanging out.
remington69 said:
My husband used to have WWE wrestlers around his stage too. Now, he just has Animal from the Muppets hanging out.

I loved Animal when I was 1 - 3 years old. They didn´t dub The Muppets to swedish (dont think I´d understood it at that age anyway) but I started jumping and climbing all over the living-room when Animal did something. He is truly metal!

"I eat drums!"
"No, Animal... BEAT drums... beat."
Thanks guys. Glad you like it. The wrestling figures are a great idea but you got to do with what you got unfortunately. I wanted to make it much better which is impossible without photoshop.
By all means, if anyone wants to add to it, do it and repost.
Hulkbreed? fuck yeah, add him or bring him back.
Picture one kicks ass. Well they all kick ass, but the first one is awesome. That's what metal concerts look like from a drummers perspective.
Love it... thats hilarious. Spidey's horns stance is just gold.

Love the little cameos from Mike Myers here and there. Who is the wheelchair crowd surfer?
aliasp said:
Love it... thats hilarious. Spidey's horns stance is just gold.

Love the little cameos from Mike Myers here and there. Who is the wheelchair crowd surfer?
Thats the guy from the Texas Chainsaw remake.