The MDF 2012 Predictions Thread

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
So, MDF 2011 was fucking intense... what do you guys think is gonna happen at MDF X?

Here are my random silly predictions:

1) The fest will draw a supermassive crowd, the gates get decimated, and half of downtown Baltimore becomes a writhing mass of humanity.
2) Somebody dies.
3) Someone in Electric Wizard or Eyehategod passes joints out while on stage.
4) I get laid.
1) Morbid Angel are heckled and booed beyond belief.
2) Saint Vitus will be the highlight of the fest (maybe Godflesh)
3) I'll get too drunk and miss half the bands I care about (which will be like 8)
1) Morbid Angel are heckled and booed beyond belief.
2) Godflesh will be the highlight of the fest (maybe Saint Vitus)
3) I'll get too drunk and miss half the bands I care about (which will be like 8)


I'm hoping that Morbid Angel will play, "I am Morbid" based on the anticipation that the crowd does the chant,and that it (hopefully) doesn't happen. Perhaps they will sneak it in there mid-set so that people may fall for it as a regular chant, which would be much to the dismay of people who like death metal.
1. I'm betting at least one human will die.*
2. Bands that replaced bands who cancelled/couldn't attend will overall be better than the originally slotted acts.
3. Someone from Electric Wizard and/or EHG will pass out on stage. This is how I originally read Grant's 3rd prediction and I actually would not doubt it.
4. Oxygen will be in short supply inside Sonar.
5. I will spend a small fortune on merch.

*crusties are not people and are precluded from this prediction

Master_Yoda77 said:
"Illa Dive in a Man's Anus."
