The men of Symphony X


Paradise Lost...OH SHIT!!
Apr 25, 2004
Roslyn, NY
My friend and I visited Mike Pinella the other day at work. We showed him the Gigantour DVD and the bootleg of the 2001 Montreal show, neither of which he had ever seen. He loved it so much, we let him keep it all, and he phoned Leopond to tell him about it. We talked for a long time about the band's history, what songs he likes to play (Egypt?), and what is coming down the road. He even played some licks for us, like the solo from Of Sins and Shadows, and some sick new material. I also recieved information regarding the release of the new album, but due to the censorship of this forum, I cannot talk about anything 'I did or did not hear' :loco: [I do find it funny that this will be one of the only Symphony X-related threads that still exists here on the "official forum", hopefully it will be allowed to exist]

I just wanted to say that I love Symphony X. They are the most down to earth people I have ever met, they are not rock stars, they are normal people. They totally do not realize how awesome they really are, and how much their music affects our lives. It was a priviledge to tell Mike P just how I felt. As I said before (and hopefully this time it won't get deleted), I hope that MJR takes every second he needs to make this album the best ever. Romeo has NEVER disappointed me so far...

Any thoughts on things to come? Has anybody else been in touch with the band recently?
The funny thing is, i started to wonder if we are not even allowed to talk about the "band" itself, so why are we here ? Is this forum really so much censored ?

Other than that, it is good to hear the stuff you are telling.
It's not censorship, it's the band choosing what information about their music is to be published on their official forum. It's their cd and their forum, I don't think it's out of the question to let them decide how things are dealt with. Not saying that I think MasqueReaper is lying, but any Joe Schmoe could come in here and say 'yeah I saw Mrs. Allen at the grocery store & she said Russ is rapping on the new cd' or 'my brother takes lessons from Jason & he said that Shania Twain is doing backup vocals on the new cd' & it'd end up all over the internet as being gospel because it was posted here..the bottom line is, it's really just a matter of quality control. Let the band share the info here that they want made public..that's just not an unreasonable request.

That said..They totally do not realize how awesome they really are, and how much their music affects our lives. <-this is SO true, they really are the most down to earth guys you could ever wanna meet, & they just have no idea just how popular they are. Hopefully this new cd will bring things to a new level & they'll be more aware..
Jax said:
It's not censorship, it's the band choosing what information about their music is to be published on their official forum. It's their cd and their forum, I don't think it's out of the question to let them decide how things are dealt with. Not saying that I think MasqueReaper is lying, but any Joe Schmoe could come in here and say 'yeah I saw Mrs. Allen at the grocery store & she said Russ is rapping on the new cd' or 'my brother takes lessons from Jason & he said that Shania Twain is doing backup vocals on the new cd' & it'd end up all over the internet as being gospel because it was posted here..the bottom line is, it's really just a matter of quality control. Let the band share the info here that they want made public..that's just not an unreasonable request.

That said..They totally do not realize how awesome they really are, and how much their music affects our lives. <-this is SO true, they really are the most down to earth guys you could ever wanna meet, & they just have no idea just how popular they are. Hopefully this new cd will bring things to a new level & they'll be more aware..

True, true, I understand why it isn't cool to speculate or report unofficial news. I am just used to shouting Symphony X from the rooftop to every metalhead I know, cuz they are so underexposed. Everyone knows about DreamTheater, but only the true metal fans know about Symphony X (this was one of the things I talked to Pinella about). The Oddessy helped them out, but not enough. I'll never forget that they blew away the second stage at Gigantour (PATHETIC that they were on the second stage, shame on Mustaine!), they blew away every band I saw on the main stage. DT was fantastic, but they definitely did not have the raw energy that SYX had, they seem like a bunch of machines. DT also cancelled their fan session that day, HOLLYWOOD. I truly believe that SYX are in it for the music and the fans, period. I cannot say that about 90% of the other metal bands I listen to, who are obcessed with $$$$.
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I think that saying ANY metal band is obsessed with money is the most retarded thing you could ever possibly say. NO metal band (or very few anyway) is doing it for the money, because there is no money to make in metal. Even big bands like Cannibal Corpse who make a living off their music are hardly living extravagent lifestyles. Ask any band, and it takes YEARS to get to the point where they are no longer losing money when they go on tour. Pfft... the dutch.
DoomsdayZach said:
I think that saying ANY metal band is obsessed with money is the most retarded thing you could ever possibly say. NO metal band (or very few anyway) is doing it for the money, because there is no money to make in metal. Even big bands like Cannibal Corpse who make a living off their music are hardly living extravagent lifestyles. Ask any band, and it takes YEARS to get to the point where they are no longer losing money when they go on tour. Pfft... the dutch.
True story. Nice Dethklok reference, too.
DoomsdayZach said:
I'm glad someone got it :)

Sorry to go off like that.... there's a lot of positive points to the story and you're right, symphony x are very humble folks and i appreciate them for that.

I'm not saying that metal bands are raking it in (besides Metallica), but it seems like there are many bands who seem to rush their music out for the sake of touring/partying. This new album has taken more than 3 years. Crazy!
and i wanted to buy my mother a gift but on the way to the shops i was in a car crash and became a paraplegic. let that be a lesson to anyone who wants to buy their mum a gift.

.. buy online.
MasqueReaper said:
I'm not saying that metal bands are raking it in (besides Metallica), but it seems like there are many bands who seem to rush their music out for the sake of touring/partying. This new album has taken more than 3 years. Crazy!
Again, i strongly disagree. Just because an album takes less time doesn't mean the quality is less or their motivations are different. Again, i'll grant that i'm sure there are some folks like that, but that's just not how the metal scene works. Damn near everyone understands why they are here and what it takes to do that. A lot of bands HAVE to tour because touring is where you make money (merch sales), so there is no choice but to tour extensively. Sure some bands will party and such, and that's part of the lifestyle for many, but that's hardly a reason to spend years learning an instrument, forming a band, spending time writing songs, recording, then spending over half the year away from home in strange countries dealing with bullshit promotors and crooked record labels. If all they wanted to do was party, they'd save the money to do that.

This album has taken more than 4 years because if you remember, symphony x also toured for quite some time. Let's give them a year because of that. Probably not a solid year, but it's pretty close because i saw them december of '02 and september of '03. This includes rehearsal time for old material to get it back up to par, doing the first leg of the tour, then taking a break to rework the odyssey a bit for the live environment, playing more shows. Then i'm sure they took some down time for a little bit at least to recharge, back to the writing process, then they got interrupted by gigantour, recording, then Lepond had his unfortunate health issues, then more recording... you see where i'm going with this? In reality, 4 years isn't that long. now it is just a waiting game for the band and label to approve everything, get it manufactured and go which can also take time based on the labels release schedule and so forth.

your points about symphony x are correct in that they are an exceptional band, but i would bet that even the majority of bands are not even close to the picture you paint. Again, bands in the metal scene don't have anything to gain in terms of monetary compensation unless they work at it for like a decade. Those who understand that continue to do it, those who don't understand it don't make it (look at Into Eternity's second guitarist). And final point, before you go off about how bands only want to party, think about the circumstance. It's pretty understandable really, given that a bus with anywhere between 5 and 15 other guys is your home for a couple weeks, and that's BEST case scenario. More than likely it's a van. So you get to ride in/drive this van or bus to the next city, get to the venue, wait around for literally hours doing nothing, waiting for the show to begin so you can play for 45 minutes, then offstage where you go wait until you leave. That's reality man.

Oh yeah, some bands just don't take as long to release an album, and that's not a crime either.
meisteh said:
and i wanted to buy my mother a gift but on the way to the shops i was in a car crash and became a paraplegic. let that be a lesson to anyone who wants to buy their mum a gift.

.. buy online.
lol, are you serious? If so, then I revoke the "lol" at the start of the sentence.
Jax said:
It's not censorship, it's the band choosing what information about their music is to be published on their official forum. It's their cd and their forum, I don't think it's out of the question to let them decide how things are dealt with. Not saying that I think MasqueReaper is lying, but any Joe Schmoe could come in here and say 'yeah I saw Mrs. Allen at the grocery store & she said Russ is rapping on the new cd' or 'my brother takes lessons from Jason & he said that Shania Twain is doing backup vocals on the new cd' & it'd end up all over the internet as being gospel because it was posted here..the bottom line is, it's really just a matter of quality control. Let the band share the info here that they want made public..that's just not an unreasonable request.

still when it comes to it, the truth comes in complete when the album is released and no one can complain (nor would they of course) when it didn't turn out to be shania gospel...

rumors are just rumors, and its sometimes fun to wonder whether we will actually hear someof the things that are suggested in forums.

still a lot of rumors are rediculous anyway so i do understand where they are coming from, i just think in the end its resolved on its own and thus the limitations put of what can be said in a forum is sort of a backwords form of redundancy.