The Mission 1943


Dec 4, 2003
Southern California
I recieved a few emails & also have seen a couple posts reguarding the chorus of "The Mission (1943)"

It seems the line "The guns of Navarone"
Is very Iced Earth to more than a handful of people.

Want to see what most here think on the subject.
guns of Navorone? Doesn't remind me of any Iced Earth. (although I don't have the BO or self-titled album.)

BTW, I thought it was "The guns of Babylon"
IcedEarthguy said:
(although I don't have the BO or self-titled album

You're kidding me. The self titled, Night Of The Stormrider and Burnt Offerings are easily Iced Earth's best albums.

Anway, I got more of a Maiden vibe from The Mission than an Iced Earth one....
Jean-Pierre said:
You're kidding me. The self titled, Night Of The Stormrider and Burnt Offerings are easily Iced Earth's best albums.

Nope, I'm not kidding you.

Self-titled- shitty, laughable singer, bad production, cheesy songs

Night of the Stormrider- I have it, never said I didn't, but the singer is so-so. Solos follow a very irritating chromatic scale pattern, too.

Burnt Offerings- the drums are too loud and the rhythm guitars are a bit muddy sounding, as opposed to the crisp distortion in Something Wicked This Way Comes. Dante's Inferno is too long, and somewhere in the middle of the song the drum part rips off Metallica's "One".

I hate the notion that if you're a fan of a certain band, that you have to neccessarily like the albums that most fans do.
What exactly of Iced Earth is it supposed to be like?
The only thing I can even think of would be some of the vocal harmonies from Dark Saga maybe. But I see no Iced Earth connection at all.
IcedEarthguy said:
Burnt Offerings- the drums are too loud and the rhythm guitars are a bit muddy sounding, as opposed to the crisp distortion in Something Wicked This Way Comes. Dante's Inferno is too long, and somewhere in the middle of the song the drum part rips off Metallica's "One".
:yuk: i know everyone has their favs and dislikes, but that shit about dantes inferno hurts my feelings :tickled: muther fucker is my fav song ever! arg! well its no rip off and just long enough to make me cream my jeans at the climax LUCIFER!!!! thats all i got to say. BO is also my fav IE, and of course the production isnt gunna be as good as something wicked, but musicianship overpowers sound quality for me any day

anyhoo, i got the new JP today and i likey! gotta give it a full listen now
Inferno is a great song. And you can listen to any song and say that it borrowed a certain part from another song. So any song with a gallop stole it from Maiden right? Nit-picking...
IcedEarthguy said:
Nope, I'm not kidding you.

Self-titled- shitty, laughable singer, bad production, cheesy songs

Night of the Stormrider- I have it, never said I didn't, but the singer is so-so. Solos follow a very irritating chromatic scale pattern, too.

Burnt Offerings- the drums are too loud and the rhythm guitars are a bit muddy sounding, as opposed to the crisp distortion in Something Wicked This Way Comes. Dante's Inferno is too long, and somewhere in the middle of the song the drum part rips off Metallica's "One".

I hate the notion that if you're a fan of a certain band, that you have to neccessarily like the albums that most fans do.

I'm definitely not a very big Iced Earth fan. But I know what I like, and I prefer the Thrash that they played before to what they played afterwards, subpar Power Metal with overuse of triplets and unconvincing over-emotional vocal work. To me, at least. I did however, like a few songs of the new one, especially Gettysburg. Tim Owens has always been an amazing singer, his best work can be found on that album. :rock:
I think people are taking an historical lyric combined with a Jim Morris vocal treatment and immediatley associating the piece with Iced Earth.

But the Mission is based on a fictional work and the music has more in common with vintage Iron Maiden then Iced Earth.

Similar comparisions were made in the early 80's in regards to 'The Number of the Beast' being similar to 'Heaven and Hell'. This sounds crazy today because people now recognize them as being very different. But at the time some felt that the vocal intro to songs like 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' were very similar to Dio's style on 'Heaven and Hell'. But is really a matter of how producer Martin Birch approached the song. But were recorded and mixed in a similar fashion.

Hm, even though most here don't agree with me, the first thing that struck me when I heard the lines "the guns of Navarone" for the first time, was that it reminded me very much of something off The Glorious Burden. I can't quite put my finger on it now, maybe it's just the tone of the chorus. I don't know.
And I didn't have the lyrical content in mind when that thought came to my mind.
Same with Battered and Bruised. The beginning immediately reminded me of Titan Force's Chase Your Dream.
But: I'm not saying that Jag Panzer stole these parts from other bands and I'm not a bit disappointed with the mentioned songs.
For me Casting The Stones is MUCH STRONGER than The Glorious Burden or Titan Force and 99% of all other CDs that have been released recently.

PS: I always find parts of songs that remind me of something that I've heard before. For instance: Deep Purple's Burn remaster that has been released this week. There's a guitar part in the bonus track Coronarias Redig that sounds exactly like the chorus melody from Catch The Rainbow (which Ritchie Blackmore recorded two years later).
Can someone tell me what the chorus is...I have this song in mp3 format...All I can make out is 6 men, to change the time...The guns of navarone.

Thanks a lot guys!
CauldronBorn said:
Can someone tell me what the chorus is...I have this song in mp3 format...All I can make out is 6 men, to change the time...The guns of navarone.

Thanks a lot guys!

The Mission (1943)

The mission set there will be no return as the killers head into the night
They all must face the impossible climb a sheer cliff 400 feet high

Caught captive in Mondracus it seems the enemy knows their plan
Back in control then on to Navarone they leave behind a misinformed man

Six men with six days to change the tide
The guns of Navarone
Six men with six days it may take their lives
The guns of Navarone

Mondracus burns in punishment for hiding out he killers five
On this night he silent one is a traitor and so she dies

The injured man drugged by Stolamine speaks of an invasion on the southern side
The guns now left alone two men move inside and lock the massive door behind

Planting explosives all around the guns a diversion from the real mother load
The containment room holding hundreds of shells the elevator drops and they explode
Iced In Flames said:
Inferno is a great song. And you can listen to any song and say that it borrowed a certain part from another song. So any song with a gallop stole it from Maiden right? Nit-picking...

A gallop is a lot more generic than the very unique and distinct drum pattern for Metallica's One, so that's a bit unfair.