The Moon Illusion


Jul 1, 2002
London, England
I just had to share this, it’s totally messing with my head: If you were asked “Why does the moon look so much larger when it’s rising on the horizon?” (you know, when it’s nice and orange), you’d probably think “Everyone knows why that is” – So did I. Then I read this:

Moon Illusion

apparently it’s a psycho-optical illusion that no one has ever satisfactorily explained! Help!:confused:
I agree. Such backgrounds should be banned. I printed it out and read it on the way home last night, so I didn't have to suffer. Worth it if you like such anomolies.

Must start experimenting looking at the moon standing on my head.
No need to try and answer just wanted to know if it had the same mind-mangling effect on others as it did on me.

At the end of the day I see the rising moon as being much bigger (like x5 sometimes) than when it's directly above. Now I know that the image comming into my eye is no different in size I'm perplexed yet fascinated.