The Moor sigh/cough finally explained!

Actually, here is the definite explanation stated by Mikael Åkerfeldt himself taken from the ''Session Diary'' for the Still Life album from for those that did not already know:

''There was one day when me and Peter worked for almost 24 hrs, and we ended up getting so fucking tired we hallucinated. It started with me hearing a cough while I was in the vocal booth. I looked out but saw I asked Peter: "Man, did you cough?", "No, why". I was terrified thinking that someone was there with us. Me and Peter went out probing the area after suspicuos things.

And mind you, the new Fredman studio is pretty big with several different rooms, and if that is not enough, it´s located in an industrial area where no-one usually comes around in the middle of the night.

Anyways, we didn´t find anything, but the rest of that day we were certainly affected by everything as there was indeed some kind of spooky felling in the air. Sure enough it was just our tired brains that played us a trick. And the cough I mentioned had somehow been recorded on the tape. We still don´t know who it is, and it´s still there on the album in the 1st track.''
Yes jaykeegan I've read that 17 times now, and my only conclusion is that mike was exercising his famous Swedish wit to pull a fast one on us.
Luckily The Dude is on the case to expose the conspiracy.
The Dude said:
10:09 into The Moor, Mike whispers 'Melinda'.

No arguments, no disputes, listen very carefully and you will find out it's true.


I agree with you! I always thought he said Melinda, until the stupid cough discussions... maybe Mikael wanted to add some "spookyness" with that cough story..!?
At that point, he DOES say Melinda (if you saw Opeth on the recent tour, you'd have seen this when they played The Moor)

BUT, I believe that's not 'the cough'
It definately doesn't sound like a cough. Turn the volume up all the way!!! You can definately hear a more of an "aaah" sound at the end of it. Which it might actually be either a sigh of relief as if somone just pooped in the recording studio or someone saying Melind"aaah".