The most arrogant and ignorant moron...

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
I found this lurking through the Opeth Off-topic board and it really struck me as being the biggest pile of shit I've ever read. And to say these things in the mourning period of his death to his very own mother:erk:, discusting yet ignorant, moronic, arrogent etc...

These are the tye of guys that say things like;
'0peth is dah s0ll-0Ut t0 deaf-m0tAl c0z tey use clene v0x and ac00stic, so day r p0sers and sell0uts"
"Dimmu Borguu have good production, so they suck!"

i fart in his general direction:hypno:
"Chuck knew sentiment, not philosophy; don't confuse the two just because you, like most Americans, are philosophically illiterate."

Ouch. I'm an American, and I've been racially slammed.

What a dumbass.
I was obviously refering to the writer. Imagine if your his mom reading that "I hope this hurts you"!
The guys revel in arrogance and elitism, or 'hessian' behaviour as they call it. If you have the patience for it, read their Metal "FAQ", where they explain amazingly stupid non sequiturs and throw barrages of foreign words at imagined targets. I HATE that site.
And for the record, Opeth aren't really a death metal band, and Dimmu Borgir isn't really black metal either.

Don't confuse people who know their genres with people that have their head up their asses about Christianity's 'impact' in metal.
so the guy who wrote it, im guessing is an anti-christian metaller. Just because he associates metal with being anti-christian, doesnt mean the rest of the metal community does. I think the two are completely seperate things and that metal has absolutely nothing to do with religion or lack-there-of.

How fucking sick is this guy. it makes me physically ill to know that there are people like this out there.
SilentRealm said:
so the guy who wrote it, im guessing is an anti-christian metaller. Just because he associates metal with being anti-christian, doesnt mean the rest of the metal community does. I think the two are completely seperate things and that metal has absolutely nothing to do with religion or lack-there-of.

How fucking sick is this guy. it makes me physically ill to know that there are people like this out there.

Many metal bands don't associate themselves with any particular religious beliefs, but at the same time, many do, and most of these do tend to drift towards more satanic/pagan religions, particularly in the black metal genre, where satanic and pagan imagry is a large part of the style.
Yngvai X said:
Many metal bands don't associate themselves with any particular religious beliefs, but at the same time, many do, and most of these do tend to drift towards more satanic/pagan religions, particularly in the black metal genre, where satanic and pagan imagry is a large part of the style.

Mostly true, but most of the imagery taken from "satanic" religions aren't true satanist creed. You'll find alot of those metallers who would like to think of themselves as satanists, but who don't really have a clue what satanism really is. Sad really.

Like you said, imagery is largely part of the style, leaving the actual religion(s) for those who actually practise it.
Death was around before MA, but I think Posessed gets credit for putting the first death metal album out in 1985 (7 churches)

Scream Bloody Gore was released in 1987, although demos were put out earlier and also under a different name (Mantas) as early as 1984

I think Chuck is a bigger pioneer for Progressive and Melodic Death than he is for barebones gut mutilating death

And yes, the writer is an idiot