The Most Excellent Adventures of the Blacktooth King

Social Distortion

The Voice of Reason
Sep 10, 2004
Lahti Rock City, Finland
Hey fellas!

If you got the time, I'm finally uploading my home made action movies to youtube - with english subtitles! There are six movies so far in the series, starting from 2006, and we're shooting number 7 next month.

I created Blacktooth King back in 2005 when I was unemployed, had nothing to do and a wild imagination. We shot the first film in October of 2005 with basically no script, and I've been expanding the story ever since. If you follow the series all the way to part six, you'll get all the questions answered. Oh, and all these are written and directed by yours truly.

Feel free to spread the word!

Have fun and thanks for watching!

Your pal, Social D

PS. I'll upload more as soon as I get more subtitles done.
Not really getting what it is about, funny stuff though, and nice soundtrack :)

It's a pretty simple concept: Blacktooth King is a superhero, the old lady is his associate, and Weezer and Komaru are their enemies.

Dude. How high were you during the making of that ;)

Nice soundtrack!

Sadly we all were stone cold sober. Like I said, the first one was shot without a script, we just went for it. Some of the most fun I've ever had!

Five years later I had so many ideas in my head, and I had expanded the chracters history so much, that we decided to just keep making them until I finally run out of idea.

The questions will be answered eventually.