I've been into this band for a while, but it appears ORTHRELM is finally on mp3.com for consumption. These two guys are ex-members of Crom Tech, an insanely ridiculous epileptic avant-metal band. ORTHRELM (the same Crom Tech duo of Mick Barr on guitar and Joshua Blair on drums) pushes the envelope even farther with drowning robot noises, slippery slidies and brainbusting riffs. Some people may just pass this off as random rifflessness, but if you listen closey, you will notice how the drums follow EXACTLY with the guitar, throwing in blast beats and even jazz-like syncopations amongst Mick Barr's unfathomable guitar technique. Death by shred. ORTHRELM rapes music. Instru-MENTAL. 
ORTHRELM mp3s from MP3.com

ORTHRELM mp3s from MP3.com