The Most Populated Forum

Apr 3, 2005
Yeah, this forum has to have the most people on it. Theres always like 23. Anthrax is always second. Anyway, it seems like theres a shitload of COB.
I want an icecream
As a matter of fact, I am with ULtimate Metal, and the person who runs this forum does indeed take home a prize. I shall cantact him about it later.
Elysian893 said:
the most people, and no one can post a thread worth half a shit.

hahaha, so true...

Probably because people like you and I end up arguing half the time, no?:Spin:
Thrash fiend said:
oh wow, i always thought anthrax was most popular.Better band than COB by a fucking mile IMO anyways.

But anthrax arent currently touring the US on the back of an album aimed at 15yr kids who will inevitably join the bands forum, are they?
