The Mushroom River Band - Simsalabim


New Metal Member
Aug 30, 2001
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The Mushroom River Band - Simsalabim
Meteor City - 2002

By Gonzo

Meteor City continue to put out some of the best fuzz rock out there, music that's amped up to the eyeballs (in more ways than one!). THE MUSHROOM RIVER BAND, 4-piece from Sweden (are the Swedes putting out good rawk these days or what??), have it down pat: plug in, turn it up, and get the swagger going. They have the Fu Manchu feel that hooked me a couple years ago, riff-driven guitars and catchy lead breaks over Spice's big-balled vox.

It's hard to describe them other than blatantly stating "they rock!" over and over. It's stoner, it's groove, it's southern-fried without the twang, it's everything that has put its head on the line just to rock hard, all melted into one twitching beasty. Energetic, perhaps, is the most fitting description.

The band have their shit going on - Chris Rockstrom isn't the kind of drummer who sits there bashing out mindless 4/4 beats all night. Bassist Saso holds his own against Anders Linusson's layered guitars. And vocalist Spice pulls it all together.

Another fine release from Meteor City. The Mushroom has done them proud! Simsalabim!

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