The Nasty Cheap Korean Dilemma


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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Dinged my RR3 up good yesterday! The whole tip of the longer "wing" got smushed. I call up some of the local talents to get it fixed and they tell me that the paint used on these "shit boxes" (note, these are not my words but those of a truelly evil guitar tech) are made of two different compunds mixed together and not as in the Jap or US version made with real "finish" (varnish?). After another three minutes of insulting retorical debate we both agreed on fucking ourselvs and he would now not help me get it sanded and painted as a matter a fact he lent me some advise on getting off the road if he ever saw me there while driving his Nissan Micra! :lol:. So seing how the model is absolutly a nightmare to keep dingfree can anyone link or lend some advise? Oh yeah "be more careful" won't due... :)
Man this forum really can delivere some ideas at times. Problem solved!! Since the ding is on the edge of the wing, why not sand it down and have it repainted as the boys of sinergy use to have them? It won't matter that the guitar is of lesser paint finish quality as a new layer is added!!! I am such a genius!!!

*mental note must take over the world*