The Nature Thread


May 17, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Hello. Here is where everyone can/should/whatever post pictures of really cool or really dark nature scenes. it could be an album cover or just some photo you saw somewhere. either way, put it up!

Ulver- Bergtatt

one of my favourite album covers ever.

also, the one in my avatar is beautiful as well (drudkh - autumn aurora).
Unfortunately I couldn't find a larger image, but the album art for Falkenbach's Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty is fantastic:


The style kinda reminds me of one of my favourite paintings called The Ninth Wave by a Russian artist called Ivan Alvazovsky:


The real thing is huge (2.2m high, 3.3m wide), pretty epic. :)
here are some album covers that have some really cool atmospheric covers to them:

Vinterriket - Winterschatten well pretty much all of his stuff, and the wallpapers that are on his site are really cool

Empyrium also has some ones i like:
A Wintersunset...
Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays

Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty

Wyrd - The Ghost Album although the album was a massive dissapointment, the cover i still really like

Windir - Likferd i love this painting.

that's all that has come to my mind right now

damn, it looks like i was beaten with the Falkenbach post!
Dauden those are some good ones, anything with snowy forests kicks ass. This picture is not so big but I really like it, its the band Sunn 0))).

im making a woods vid and i need more nature pictures, could someone help me with some goood summer ones and post them on here, and also allow me to use the ones some of you guys posted, i forgot if you guys took them or what, but plz replty on this thread, the vid may take a while cuz my computer is dumb but i'll give you guys a heads up when its online
Where'd you find that? Thats sweet. Do you know where that actual site is? Somewhere in Sweden?
Man do I want to know where that "Morningrise" album cover place is. Not only because it's one of my favourite albums, but because the place itself looks incredible