The Necronomicon


Stoner Guitarist
Sep 19, 2003
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Have any of you heard of the Necronomicon. Its a book of ancient arts and about Gods. Just was wondering what any of you knew about it.
Its not real, HP Lovecraft made it up, stoner...I mean...-ahem-Be very careful with this knowledge, stoner, to read the necronomicon is to go mad! Ia! Ia Cthulu fhtagn!
I have a copy and read it while on vacation...

It's fake, but quite an interesting read. It has information on the Babylonian Gods and Goddesses too.
Yeah some guy in the 80's wrote that in an attempt to say Lovecraft knew there was a real Necronomicon that relates to the sumerians, but he's full of crap of course. Lovecraft just had a degree of historical and mythological knowledge especially about the middle east and it was one of the ingredients in his creations that helped make them so believable and effective.
The Necronomicon was written by a man by the name of Aleister Crowley in the 1920's. It is based on refernces from the Bible, as well as other religious books. Aleister is considered one of the most evil people to ever walk the planet. Not for what he did, but what he beleived. Some debate the book is real, that it was never written by Aleister Crowley. I have read it. I have even fucked around with. All I can say is that, written by Crowley, or writeen by some ancient dude, the book has power. Wanna see if it works, try it out.
So does this book actualy exist or not? It sounds like there are lots of different books all claiming to be the same thing and even they are only put together using other older texts. Still it has some cool history about it and a lot of mystery.
It is a book, but there are countless frauds and altered versions.. it's hard to say which one is real, but I beleive if you look you can find it
Hmm well it has got my attention. I read some of the history and whjat people believe about it. Certainly interesting I might read it some time, but as you said there lots of "fakes" out there. But by the look of it you will never be able to be certain you have read to original.
Well, there are some people out there hwo have stuidied a lot of it, and they claim they can tell what is supposed to be there and what is not.. nevertheless you should give it a read if your interested in some good fiction
Destroyer Of Orden said:
Hah hah hah... the book has power? What power??? It's a fictional book meant to entertain

You said the book has no powr, but then you turn around and say that it oculd bve real. Hmmm. Well let me tell you this, the book has some power, whetehr made conjured by sheer imagination or true evil.
I have the book, but since I knew it was all fake, never exited Necronomicon as something from ancient times and all the myth we knew about it :err: I lost my interest.
Anyway, as people said, it´s quite good as a fictional book
Destroyer Of Orden said:
I take it ^ did not like the book... not to your style or taste???
I am a huge fan of Lovecraft and other 20's era pulp authors like Robert E Howard. However, the necronomicon is nothing more than a plot device, and maybe its a testament to Lovecraft's imagination and skill as a writer that people persist in believing it exists and has power, but its still silly, especially because most of these people have never even read a Lovecraft tale and think it comes from one of these people who were either obsessed with its idea or just trying to capitalize on Lovecraft's intellectual property.