Have any of you heard of the Necronomicon. Its a book of ancient arts and about Gods. Just was wondering what any of you knew about it.
Destroyer Of Orden said:Hah hah hah... the book has power? What power??? It's a fictional book meant to entertain
I am a huge fan of Lovecraft and other 20's era pulp authors like Robert E Howard. However, the necronomicon is nothing more than a plot device, and maybe its a testament to Lovecraft's imagination and skill as a writer that people persist in believing it exists and has power, but its still silly, especially because most of these people have never even read a Lovecraft tale and think it comes from one of these people who were either obsessed with its idea or just trying to capitalize on Lovecraft's intellectual property.Destroyer Of Orden said:I take it ^ did not like the book... not to your style or taste???