The New Album Update Thread


Jan 20, 2002
Siegen, Germany
Well, can you give us some update about the new album and its process? How are things going at the moment?
Just thought it would be nice following the process....
so there's a lot of space here...:)
check out the 'me cousin' thread for titles of me own new stuff. i have no idea what the album will be like but i hope its ok. you never know!
actually i do have an idea what the album will be like but i dont know if they will go along with it. i am pretty sure jay will !
so you have no date entering the studio so far?

But interesting list of titles indeed! Is John and Vinny also writing some stuff again?
He told me some of his lyrics on the phone the other night after watching CNN for hours. I hope the album sticks around that type of theme as its good to see a solid direction.
Disasters are true doom not 'tears of the moon':lol:
Originally posted by Strangelight
He told me some of his lyrics on the phone the other night after watching CNN for hours. I hope the album sticks around that type of theme as its good to see a solid direction.
Disasters are true doom not 'tears of the moon':lol:

I work in the political department of a radio station and we have to watch CNN there every day to - and it drives me mad to watch it. If you see what's happening on this planet, all the hypocricy, the terror and everthing, my disrespect for human beings grows. I guess i'd write DEath Metal songs if I wrote songs at all after watching TV.
CNN is the most shameless media network on the planet! Try BBC... Not that they're ace but at least they inform you correctly most times and do not act as a mean of propaganda for the UK government (like CNN does for Bush and co.)
Originally posted by pagan2002
totally. proper breakdowns are doom, none of this "my melancholy is the forest" nonesense.

:lol: yeah, not that 'your eyes are like stars in the night of my life' bollocks.