The new ICED EARTH bassist is...

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
Freddie Vidales from Phoenix, Arizona. And Freddie also plays rhythm guitar, lead guitar and drums in addition to the bass!! :loco:

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:lol: that people in this day and age are surprised that someone can play more than one instrument. There are far more talented multi-instrumentalists in metal.
I'm not surprised at all. I play guitar and drums as I am sure many do (Not well either). But come on man, that guy is seriously a very talented musician.

Yeah, I mean props to him for learning how to play all that stuff but it's not that big of a deal either imo.
If he's this energetic on stage, I'm not sure if my 64 year old heart will be able to handle it! :kickass:


i wasnt impressed by the video too much but i didnt finish the whole thing either. im sure if iced earth picked him hes good, so i have no worries. how ever if he had the same chops as the bassist from zero hour (i mix their names up) i might sing him more praise haha!

as for multi instrumentalists, daniel gildenlow plays quite a few...

id bet almost every talented musician is proficient at at least one other instrument.
Iced Earth is not exactly... the most demanding music on a musician...

I'm sure he'll be fine :)
congratulations to him. Thanks to my brother ruining my computer, I never got to get my audition materials together. :mad:

oh well, back to trying to get somewhere with my own shit.:headbang: