The new ICED EARTH bassist is...

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
Freddie Vidales from Phoenix, Arizona. And Freddie also plays rhythm guitar, lead guitar and drums in addition to the bass!! :loco:

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Dennis came on board because of Ripper. When Ripper was axed, Dennis was informed his services were no longer needed. This is how I understand it.

Well, I guess maybe John thought that if he axed Ripper, but kept Dennis, it would ruin that relationship.

I guess Iced Earth has always operated this way.

I think their touring lineup normally differs from those who actually recorded on the disc.
This is one of the reasons I cant take Iced Earth that serious as a band. It is more like the Jon Schaffer Project. of the most over rated bands in metal today.

As much as I love this band, I do have to agree with your statement to a degree.

Just imagine how amazing they would be if they had a solid recording and then touring lineup that stuck together for more than one album!
This is one of the reasons I cant take Iced Earth that serious as a band. It is more like the Jon Schaffer Project. of the most over rated bands in metal today.

in shaffers defense. alot of bands that have been around as long as they have rarely keep the same or consistant lineup.
Randal Shawver was always a contributer and played live with the band untill Something Wicked.
Right now the most consistant members right now are Smedley and Barlow. Having 3 out of 5 isn't that bad.

Heres a list of several noted bands who constantly change(d) their lineups and/or have only 1 original member.

Testament pre reunion

i can go on and on.

about them being overrated, i can't think of them that way cause whenever i ask some1 if they like em the say "who?"
but theyve had several changes, when it comes to other players.
theyve changed singers 3 times, had what 5 different drummers at least.

and remember right after the Dark Ride?
im not saying they were dicks or anything but changes in lineups happen alot.
Helloween is a band that had a unity. that was friendly rather than drunk, drug, or bitch fights

oh i can add Tad Morose into this as well. Krunt is the only original member right now right? oh well, as long as the ppl who stepped in are good i don't mind.
thats all i was saying.