The new In Flames...


Dec 16, 2003
The new album has leaked into some newsgroups. I'm definitely planning on purchasing it when it's released in Canada, but I have a few thoughts after my first listen:

- I was relieved to hear they've really lost a lot of the nu-metal vibe they've taken a lot of flak for in the past while. I won't say they've returned to their roots, but it sounds like they've worked to bring back the nice, fast, heavy melodic death sound that made them popular.

- Far fewer clean vocal sections than Reroute, and the ones that do exist are more tastefully mixed, I found, than those on the previous album. "The Quiet Place" is an exception to this. It sounds very much like radio fodder to me, and I didn't much like it, but its style definitely isn't indicative of the album's as a whole.

- I liked it quite a bit even though it's certainly not the best of 2003/04.

It's an improvement on their last album. It's something that I think fans of Reroute will like and fans of The Jester Race or Whoracle will be able to tolerate or even (gasp) maybe enjoy. If you've heard it, I'd love to hear your comments.
I hate it. In Flames certainly didnt redeem their mistakes for Reroute to Remain on this album. There is FAR too much synth pop, modern rock crap, and Korn style vocals. As to be expected though, I heard the Quiet Place single and I wasnt impressed at all. If you liked Reroute to Remain, fine, buy the new one. Personally I like their old stuff and hate the more accesible way they have taken, and I would rather pay to get a STD than to buy the abomination that is Soundtrack to Your Escape.
I'm really, really looking forward to that album! And I could not care less for the "Nu In Flames" bashing that has become so popular on internet forums.
If the video is any indication of what the album is like, then it's nu-metal! I'll have to pass on this one!
I'll be seeing In Flames on the album tour at the Astoria, London. Reroute to Remain was a kinda sell-out album, but I got high hopes for the new one...
I listened to it for the first time last night and hated it. I'll try to listen to it again to see if my opinion will change but for me in flames have been going downhill since clayman and this new release is just confirming that.
i like it pretty good. I am sort of glad In Flames play this different style now. tons of bands play what that help create back in the early and mid 90s. I like the songs Dead Alone, My Sweet Shadow, In Search of I alot.

I think it will continue to grow on me as did Reroute to Remain.
First Blood said:
Try reading once in a while jackass...

My Sweet Shadow is a great song.

I don't have to read anything....I have the video & it's nu-metal crap! You like it so much then you buy it!! :)
I finally found a place that has it for download. All who haven't heard it can hear it here:

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I actually think it was a really good song. I think that it was better than most of the songs on Reroute to Remain and I thought that RtR was great. Whatever morons wanna call this nu-metal can go ahead. If this is nu-metal then its the best damn nu-metal out there.
BLackwater86 said:
I finally found a place that has it for download. All who haven't heard it can hear it here:

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I actually think it was a really good song. I think that it was better than most of the songs on Reroute to Remain and I thought that RtR was great. Whatever morons wanna call this nu-metal can go ahead. If this is nu-metal then its the best damn nu-metal out there.
I like it! Its Nu-metal done by guys who can actually play their instruments.
delize said:
I don't have to read anything....I have the video & it's nu-metal crap! You like it so much then you buy it!! :)

MegaDan said:
Far fewer clean vocal sections than Reroute, and the ones that do exist are more tastefully mixed, I found, than those on the previous album. "The Quiet Place" is an exception to this. It sounds very much like radio fodder to me, and I didn't much like it, but its style definitely isn't indicative of the album's as a whole.

Try not basing your opinion of the album on the "radio fodder" single :loco: :Spin: o_O :yell: :oops: :dopey:

smileys are for fags
I've not heard it, but seeing so many negative comments doesn't give me an optimistic approach to purchasing it. I probably will not buy it. I'll have to hear a sample first.
I just listened to the record for the first time, my initial feeling is slight disappointment. It did take me awhile to warm up to R2R, but I eventually came to like that record a lot. STYE had enough interesting parts the first time through, so I'm pretty sure that this will grow on me more. How much I can't be sure yet.

One thing I do know for almost certain... Old In Flames fans that had a problem with R2R will have an even bigger problem with this record.
I've heard it all, and its all retarded.

Like I've already said, In Flames are a joke. Someone should slap Anders with a copy of TJR.