The new Meshuggah


Dec 9, 2003
Christ on a crutch! This thing is a fucking monster! :hotjump:

As I'm sure you've heard, it's one long song broken into tracks. It's not as uptempo as I, but after one listen, I'm pleased as hell. The cool thing about Meshuggah, is that if you try to keep up w/ the rhythms, your mind will melt faster than a Blizzard clutched between Rosie O'Donnell's thighs as she rushes away from the Dairy Queen drive through in rampant anticipation. But it's so repetitive that if you listen more passively, it is oddly hypnotic. I can't wait to get my hands on the finished product.
When is/was it released? I was planning on picking up some more Meshuggah very soon, was going to make it this one because so far I've heard amazing things.
One Inch Man said:
When is/was it released? I was planning on picking up some more Meshuggah very soon, was going to make it this one because so far I've heard amazing things.

In the States, it's going to be released on May 31st. But, it's already been leaked.
One Inch Man said:
When is/was it released? I was planning on picking up some more Meshuggah very soon, was going to make it this one because so far I've heard amazing things.
What do you have so far? Chaosphere, right?
I'll definately be picking this up.

I should probably work on getting the rest of their backcatalog someday too. (I only have DEI, True Human Design EP and I)
matt99_crew said:
What do you have so far? Chaosphere, right?
DEI and Chaosphere. DEI took a long time to enjoy, but Chaosphere blew my mind on first listen. Especially Neurotica, holy ballz is that song amazing.
You might check out I next. A 21 minute track that never gets old. That opening roar is guaranteed to make you bang your head and break something (not like, in your head, but like something else--that you know, needs breaking).
The drumming on I makes my head spin. No one else sounds anything like Haake on drums. If I is any indication of what Catch 33 will sound like then this may be high on my 2005 list.
I think its great, all the slower moments give it a different feel, better than that constant boring chugging of their more recent work. This is a great companion piece to I
matt99_crew said:
Nice, right?

Just got it in the mail today! :hotjump: I'm liking what I hear! Btw, Matt, you live in Louisville right? I live in New Albany: you can probably relate to my mentioning of ear X-tacy in my reviews (if you read 'em). :)
J. said:
Because you like a lot of shitty music and Meh-shuggah will fit right in. :tickled:

I beg to differ.

I like nothing but the best (tongue firmly in cheek here), and *never* listen to crap just because it's different or elite. Meshuggah always struck me as one of those "we're trying too hard" type of bands. Like a bass guitar needs 8 strings :rolleyes: