the new Niklas guitar


Aug 6, 2004
I've seen in "Lost to Apathy" that Niklas has a black Ibanez IC 300.Do you know if it has stock pick-ups?I have the same guitar (of course not custom!) and i love it for the clean sound,but the distorted is a lil bit weak in my opinion...anyway i didn't know he got it.
Naku ist krig said:
What means the term "stock pick-ups"?
Stock is what the manufacturer originally puts.
pick-ups are the coils (they look smth like little boxes) between the bridge and the neck of a guitar.they are settled down the strings.
If I'm not mistaken, the Ibanez has been used during tours and it has been listed on the site under the Archetypes for atleast 2 years now.

Siren said:
and what is "pick-ups"?


What Dafne wrote plus this;
"To produce sound, an electric guitar senses the vibrations of the strings electronically and routes an electronic signal to an amplifier and speaker. The sensing occurs in a magnetic pickup mounted under the strings on the guitar's body."

More on:
@Dafne: nevermind :p (typoing and talkin shit)

@rahvin: no silly! The van-truck-car-mobile -thing is called two-pack.
@rahvin: No! The guys you´re referring now are 6-pack and his older brother 12-pack - they both died when those "gangbanging thugs" tore them apart in the late nineties , or so.
@Caotice-whatever! : Hey noobb! R U seeing us selIing/advertising 0ur weird 1tems thourgh this forum, huh? Plus i Am sure that its stolen anyway and Um haS strict policies when IT comes to sell1ing stolen items U brat!
MP-AKK yeeeeeeeeees u'r right!in the archetype he wrote that info!dunno why i didn't notice it! :confused:
anyway i haven't see any Nicklas pix with that guitar!(actually i've never seen DT on tour!!! :cry: )
i'm interested in those pick-ups because i'm about to change the one close to the bridge (to have the distorted sound with more "gain") but at the same time I love the clean sound of the guitar and i'm afraid to waste it.
anyway so many ppl which have that guitar change its stock pick-ups so I was wonderin' if Niklas did it. :)
Caotico said:
Yes, I've had it since 2002 or something. I'm actually thinking of selling it in the near future, so if someone wants to buy a genuine piece of metal history (ahem), just get in touch via

:OMG: If i hadnt just bought an old Model of Herman Li's Guitar Id probably bid in. The only guitars I ever get are Ibanez, and by some cruel twist of fate I dont like Ibanez anymore. Fast necks but the ones Ive got take too much maintainence and have faults that are too major to ignore (One has a floyd rose that when whammied stays in the possition you stretched it to o_O . Ill fix it one day).
Naku ist krig said:
@rahvin: No! The guys you´re referring now are 6-pack and his older brother 12-pack - they both died when those "gangbanging thugs" tore them apart in the late nineties , or so.
It seems that half of Finland kills these fellas over and over again during the weekends, sometimes even during the week.
There was a guy called 6Pak in some show yesterday. That just about represents how bad it was.
Due to my constant training and immense physical qualities, my abdominal muscles can be called...

ONE-PACK :loco:

-Villain (the next Governor of Kainuu)
As witnessed at tuska, i am a part of that same faceless legion.
So we needed 17 hours to turn this thread very off-topic?