The new official Andromeda site is up! Mp3- excerpts from forthcoming album!

Just listened to the new sample tracks...and Wow! The new songs sound really good, a lot heavier than the older songs and just as good if not better. I'll be buying the album when it's out that's for sure. Keep up the good work.
Oh, how it pains me to say this, since I loved Extension of the Wish so much... the new songs didn't really impress me at all. I thought that the production was worse than EotW too. Maybe they'll grow on me or maybe once I hear them in proper album form I'll change my mind, but currently I'm somewhat disappointed with the new material. :(
don't like the new sample too much :(

it's because of the new singer...don't like him at all, he's too overdramatic...too power metalish. the old guy ruled (sorry, don't know the names)

but man, reinholdz is fucking amazing...esp. on that video of in the deepest of waters (man the new singing on that song is butchery)
I loved Extensions of the Wish but the new songs =
I think I hate the new singer...reminds me of SYMPHONY X's almost, BAD BAD BAD THING. I don't get what people are DOING when they hire singers like that. Power Metal and your average Prog band's vocal style is just absolutely grating, in my opinion. I can deal with say James Labrie, and I like Daniel Gildenlow and whats his name from Vanden Plas, but I'd rather listen to say AT THE GATES'S singer before most Prog/Power metal singers. Yuck! The mp3 is full of glitches too. Bad stuff! I like the first cd a heck of a lot, but this one isn't sounding like it's going to be too great. It just doesn't sound very interesting or original, it sounds very much like other prog metal bands. Boo, hiss!
Originally posted by Andromeda
It´s better to record an album that sounds new and fresh that some will love and some will hate, than to record the same album over and over again.


But, the more I listen to the new material, the more I like it. It really seems very cool, I can't wait for the whole album.