The new Paradise Lost . . .

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I just got this, and I am quite happy with my purchase. Oh . . it's the self-titled release, if you care.

Is it like some of their previous poppy albums? NO

Is it like their early gothic death metal stuff? NO

Is it somewhere in between? YES

Is it full of well-crafted and interesting songs? YES

Is it for fans of old-school, never-change-PLEASE!, always-play-what-you-did-on-your-first-album, stuck-in-the-mud fans? NO

Is it for fans of modern "gothic" melodic metal like Katatonia and Green Carnation? YES
I was just listening to One Second yesterday again after several years of tossing it aside. Not as good as I remember, but still decent...

I've been a fan of all their albums though, and the new one is definitely no exception. Excellent songs there
I haven't heard the whole new album yet... Just saw the video of their latest single. Sounded ok to me. I just hope "Paradise Lost" is better than "Symbol Of Life". Well, I'll find out soon: My ticket for their gig on May 2nd has just been confirmed. :hotjump: