The new WOLVERINE homepage is up and running!


Badger Boy
Just a quick note to let you know that the new version of our homepage is up and running! Check it out!
Take a look at what our new bassplayer has to say in his defense :), download some music or do whatever you like, just visit the homepage! ;)
Opinions are always welcome!

/"Bagge"- Wolverine


Progressive Metal From Sweden

New album: "The Window Purpose"
out now on DVS Records ( )
In the US: The End Records ( )

Hello phyre! Thanks for your input! We're aware that the homepage is too dark and we're going to fix it asap.
Thanks for downloading and giving us a try!


/Bagge - Wolverine


Progressive Metal From Sweden

New album: "The Window Purpose"
out now on DVS Records ( )
In the US: The End Records ( )

Hey, great to see that you made it here! I'm a fan of you since late '99...I exchanged a few emails with Stefan back then. But I just recently bought Fervent Dream, because when the original release had just come out, I had no money and a few months later it was already sold out. At that time I only had 'More than Grief' and 'Again' (one of my favourite songs ever!! and that is the truth!) as MP3s which I constantly listened to ;)
Well, I've only heard two samples of the demo for Window Purpose that you put on your page last summer - I liked the stuff. But the album seems not to be available in Europe yet...will that change in the near future? I hope so, because I don't use stuff like Audio Galaxy.
Anyways keep on rocking guys, I still remembered you after 2 years...that shows how much you rule! :) :)
Cool! :cool: Always nice to hear from people who appreciate what you're trying to do :grin:

I know that rising sun ( has The Window Purpose in stock. What I don't know is if they have the missprinted version or the "real" one... Anyway, it costs EUR 12,99 if your interested. That's the cheapest one I could find right now, sorry... :) I know that there are some other places that have it, but not which ones :). Send a mail to our manager Rene Janssen. I'm sure that he'll be happy to help you out if you want to buy the album! His address is
In the mean time we have 2 songs from tWP on the website, if you want to hear what you're putting your money into before buying the whole thing ;)

I'll say hi to Stefan from you. For now:
Take care and Take Hold!


/Bagge -Wolverine


Progressive Metal From Sweden

New album: "The Window Purpose"
out now on DVS Records ( )
In the US: The End Records ( )

Suggestion about the site: if you fix the darkness, you'll still have a low contrast page (you know nothing to catch the eye because it's all on the same contrast level). I suggest you try implementing a pic of yours in high quality so people can see you or something else that would catch the eye. It doesn't have to be big (can't be too small tho) but it has to get the attention and create a general feel for the site.

Hope this helped
Thanks for your input 403! Your suggestions have been delivered to our webmaster/drummer :).

Personally I really, really liked the old lay-out of the site, but we decided that we should have a new HP to go with the new album.


/Bagge - Wolverine


Progressive Metal From Sweden

New album: "The Window Purpose"
out now on DVS Records ( )
In the US: The End Records ( )

No prob, I'm a designer myself, I like to help out people improve their pages
What's the difference between the misprinted and real versions of the album ? I got mine from The End Records and I think it's the real one. Just wondering.


p.s. Great album, by the way !
Hello phodg!

Yes, you've got the "real" version of the album. The End only have that version.

The difference is that on the misprinted versions track 1 (End) and 2 (My Room) are on ONE track, making a total of nine tracks on the album. Other than that there are also some crackling sounds on the more quiet parts of the songs.

This is because it is actually the unmastered version of the album that got sent to the presses by mistake :goggly:

Thanks for buying the album and supporting us! You rule! ;)




Progressive Metal From Sweden

New album: "The Window Purpose"
out now on DVS Records ( )
In the US: The End Records ( )

I've finally found a place where I can order TWP. And AFAIK it's the correct version :) :) Now I only have to wait 2-3 weeks until I've got money again ;)

P.S.: I read some reviews of the new stuff on the DVS homepage and it's great to hear that you even got heavier in some songs - most other bands wouldn't have dared to do that because things like that scare off all those close-minded people (and also labels who are only into $$). Bands like you deserve my true respect. :cool: Keep it up!!!