the next album?

Diamond Dave

Sheep in Kiss makeup
Apr 18, 2001
Bristol, England
So seeing as the band are working on the next record, what do we want to see the band doing on it?

Do you want stuff that's more varied than Beckoning or more of the straight classic style metal of NVS? Any guests you'd like to see? A few longer songs or lots of shorter ones? Producers?

I'd like to see the band continuing to diversify, going for a couple of song styles we haven't seen yet like a slow to mid paced riff driven song, less technical than they have done before - think along the lines of Seek And Destroy as a starting point. I'd also like to hear how Steve handles lead vocals after hearing his vocals on Cancer... on tour.

As for producer, I think Dave Chang did a great job on Beckoning, so I wouldn't have any complaints if he did the job again.
I know what you mean about touring Mark, although the Kill II This tour was pretty lengthy, they only played a handful of dates other than that.

It would have been nice for them to have a few more high profile supports, like they did last year.
As far as what I'd like the next album to sound like - if it's as diverse as the last one was compared to the first, it'll blow our minds!!

BotE is still my Album Of Da Year. And there've been some beauties!
I'm told they're working on a new gimmick, which involves the four of them doing a dance routine with giant plastic hotdogs on their heads, and sasquatch style slippers.

Personally, I'm all in favour of the idea.
I want a themed album about valkryie maidens, words of power, winds of victory and cute fluffy rabbits.

Nah only joking.. except the rabbit, i demand that :)

The trials of the Sasquatch slippers is next week. The band voiced some scepticism over the quality of the plastic hotdogs.
lol :D hot dawwwwwg - For the next album I'd just like to see them produce more classic riffage and sweet solo's :) Not forgetting the odd ballady style thing going on - very nice. Anything 54 will do for me :D
Its nice to know that other 54 fans are just as mentally unstable as meself ;)

Its comforting.

Incedentally, for the new album 54 have their 'sound' now... if it aint broke Etc. Etc.

Though musical experimentation is always good. Just no rapping Lakis. I know you want to, but control yaself, man ;)
Dan W said:
agree with tony, something along a similar vein to what they're doing at the moment
Knowing the band, I'd take a graph, with a curve starting at No Visible Scars, passing Beckoning Of The End, and reaching on to the new material.

What I mean by that, is that I don't believe '54 are done progressing.