the next big thing?

fat bastard

Nov 19, 2004
maybe its just me but i have a feeling that nevermore could be the next kings of metal finally dethroning metallica from the title that they havent deserved for years but apparently still have in the eyes of non metal heads,the media. first off they are american which always seems to help apparently, i ve begun to see them in more mags and bigger tours so they must be getting more attention outside of their core fanbase and oh yeah, they write some killer songs too and the new disc can t seem to get a bunk review from anyone. plus warrel sings and a band with extreme vocals will never make it big sadly and while nevermore most likely wont either i feel like they have the biggest shot right now.
Yeah there on the good way but not quite there. As big as Metallica? Not in 5 years (I hope so though). Perhaps after enough touring and promoting. But I think Warrel's voice is to "weird" to be accepted by all. There are many metal fans who just don't listen NM because of the singer (face it, if you don't like him, you don't want to listen to the music) I have some friends who like metal but just can't stand the singer. Can't change their oppinion. They do like the guitarplay and the rest though. But NM would'nt be NM without Warrel, so thats not even an option (offcourse!)

But the fan group is growing and if we all keep promoting them, it will be OK someday :headbang: .
Corsnor said:
But I think Warrel's voice is to "weird" to be accepted by all.

This is true because when I first heard Nevermore some odd years ago, I was turned off by Warrel's voice but then on some crazy whim I decided to give them a better listen and well turns our Warrel's voice is phenomenal and Nevermore is my favorite band. The metal world will be taken to new places by Nevermore, I'm sure of this.
Seasons_Of_Destruction said:
This is true because when I first heard Nevermore some odd years ago, I was turned off by Warrel's voice but then on some crazy whim I decided to give them a better listen and well turns our Warrel's voice is phenomenal and Nevermore is my favorite band. The metal world will be taken to new places by Nevermore, I'm sure of this.
i was the same way too. glad i didn t give up cause these guys should stay a fav for some time unless warrel goes solo and does a country rap album like cowboy troy.
i didnt like his voice first off either but the music was so good i just had to give him a chance. after a few progressive listening sessions i came to truly enjoy his voice and i think he fits the band perfectly.
fat bastard said:
i was the same way too. glad i didn t give up cause these guys should stay a fav for some time unless warrel goes solo and does a country rap album like cowboy troy.

Warrel's going to leave Nevermore and join D-12, replacing Eminem under the rap name Dubya D. I can see it now.. :p
Seasons_Of_Destruction said:
Warrel's going to leave Nevermore and join D-12, replacing Eminem under the rap name Dubya D. I can see it now.. :p


No but really it fits the band perfectly indeed but it just keeps some listeners away (wich sometimes can be a good thing, I don't want people on my school wearing Linkin Park shirts one day, and NM shirts the other. That would be horrendous. :yell: .
Stealer of Dreams said:
Unfortunately, Nevermore will probably never get that big, not only because of the vocals, but because the music is just too complex for the average idiot.

This is so damn true. One of my best friends say he loves Breaking Benjamin for their "monster riffs". HE also doesn't like Nevermore because he thinks Warrel can't sing..WHAT THE FUCK!? Nevermore eats bands like Breaking Benjamin for brekafast.
Originally Posted by Seasons of Destruction
This is so damn true. One of my best friends say he loves Breaking Benjamin for their "monster riffs". HE also doesn't like Nevermore because he thinks Warrel can't sing..WHAT THE FUCK!? Nevermore eats bands like Breaking Benjamin for brekafast.

i know a few people who think exactly like that and i just cant understand their logic

Originally Posted by Stealer of Dreams
Unfortunately, Nevermore will probably never get that big, not only because of the vocals, but because the music is just too complex for the average idiot.

i totally agree on this one. but also the complexity may turn off some people because my friend whos a guitarist doesnt like NM too much. he wont admit to it but its because he feels discouraged by Jeff. he only listens to stuff he can play. he can play a few NM tunes but gets turned off my the solos.
but dont take this the wrong way, i like my NM with complexity
I wouldn't count on them getting super huge, but I do expect them to get bigger, maybe as big as Shadows Fall is now (althought NM is much better than SF). Century Media seems to be doing a lot to push them now, and I've noticed that they're getting a lot more recogntion in non-metal themed musician boards as of late. Also, Jeff just got a column in Guitar World, and the new issue's cdrom had The Final Product on it, so that alone should be huge exposure for Nevermore. Can't forget about Gigantour either, most people going to that probably love good guitar work, and Nevermore has plenty of that.
i think that nevermore should get to open for more "popular" bands so they can outplay the headliners and really make the audience question why they were even opening the show to begin with. to many amazing bands get 2nd billing regardless of who puts on a better show and that blows. save the best for last and people will get more of there moneys worth. good music is good music regardless of whether you know the bands or there songs.
Stealer of Dreams said:
Unfortunately, Nevermore will probably never get that big, not only because of the vocals, but because the music is just too complex for the average idiot.

WELL SAID! I first heard Nevermore on IN MEMORY and have been hooked ever since, because of the music AND vocals. IMO Warrel has amazing vocals and range. It's hard to find a quality singer in alot of metal bands. Unless your a vocalist, alot of people just don't get it.........