The next phase in my self-reinvention


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Those of you bored enough to wade through my journal will know I've been taking a good look at myself and doing what I can to improve. I have recently decided that this process should be external as well as internal.

Exhibit A: I seem to be getting what some may tactfully describe as a prominent forehead. Should I accept this gracefully and go for what I think is called a "buzz-cut" like George Eads (Nick on CSI) now has? A total head shave is too drastic, but I'm running out of creative combing ideas here.

Exhibit B: Would a goatee help divert attention from the absence of growth up top or just look ridiculous? My past attempts at facial hair have been laughable, but in fairness I've only ever tried for a week at most before giving up and applying the razor. Hmmm...

I will not be posting before and after photos if I go ahead with any of this. I don't have the necessary hardware and I'd rather you all kept your lunches down while browsing the forum :).

Exhibit B works wonders...then combine with dreadlocks at the last possible minute, then after the statement has been made you run into the buzzcut thing.

(Add increasingly silver hair for axtra points).

When people at work comment on my forehead, I drag the hair from around the back, tie it over my forehead in an advanced comb-over technique, pat it down to smooth it a bit and they shut the fuck up for a while.
Wrathy, with the prominent forehead factor, just roll with it, shorter hair can be better. But this goes for everyone genetically disposed.... Robert Duvall baldness over Jason Alexander baldness everytime.... really helps if you wear an eye-patch too.