The Ocean


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Anyone heard this band? I've listened to a few samples from their website, and it seems pretty good. Kinda sound like Mastodon with some Neurosis influence thrown in there. I also read that they can be compared to Meshuggah (AKA Meh-shuggah).

The vocals are a lot closer to growls than Mastodon, so for those of you that are to too wimpy to handle those vocals, you might feel more comfortable with The Ocean.

Apparently, when on stage, they have 8 members. When in the studio, they have those 8 members plus 4 more vocalists a cello player, a violin player, and a clarinet player.
Ya, Willowtip have yet to let me down as well. I admit that even though they all look like tools, the various descriptions of their music is extremely intriguing on my end.
yeah, I thought that at first, then I got to thinking, if I judged bands by their looks, I would have never checked out Immortal, Aborym, etc. haha

The one sample I listened to from their new CD, I truly did like.