The Offical Good Luck With Exams Thread


Cutthroat Crusader
Sep 1, 2004
My first of 17 exams starts today.:ill:

I'd just like to wish everyone good luck with their exams, be they Uni, A-Level, some crazy Scotish, Irish or Welsh exam, GCSE, Driving Test, Some Adult Learning Course, or Band Auditions!

:rock: ~~~Good Luck~~~:rock:
Well that's 2 of the bastards down, 15 to go!

Oh and you wouldn't believe what was on my doormat when I got home. A Fed-Ex slip saying I'd missed delvery of PQ MND Japan, and Have to wait until 6pm tommorow!

SiliconMessiah said:
ouch! for the 17 exams and missing MND!!

my Brucey AoB and CW reissues arrived this morning :rock:

after this mornings exam i'm half way thru my 10 uni exams, really want them to be over now! :cry:

Good luck with the other 5!

:hotjump: I can't believe that! I should of skipped those carrer deciding exams and listened to MND. Dammit! :hotjump:
lordominous said:
Good luck chaps and chappetes.
I've got Calculus on Wednesday, can't wait. Three hour exams suck.

I don't mind long exams so much; plenty of time to think and re-check everything. The worst bit is being without music for 3 hours!:Spin: