the office supply situation here is a disaster


Aug 2, 2002
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the tissues are like using xerox paper, and the paperclips are so fucking cheap they break.
working for a non-profit has its downsides.:mad:
i've thought about it. i actually buy my own tissues and make my friend that works at a private law firm steal me paperclips. desperation is sad yes...
the benefits of my job i guess outweight it. like, our brochure display case by my receptionist has such titles as "hot anal pleasures" etc.
Yeah, I used to get mad free condoms from AIDS Action! Since some were donated, sometimes they would be really weird brands, though, like GRIZZLED PROSPECTOR or something.
we also hand out safe oral sex kits called PUSSY PACKS and they are like, everywhere. and my desk is currently half covered in chocolate flavored condoms because someone dumped them on my desk as a joke.
here is a funny condom story about me, circa 1999.

My then-girlfriend and I went to Newport, RI (a beach town for those who don't know) for a day trip. Days earlier, for some reason, I don't know why, I had loaded my backpack with hundreds of condoms and lube packets that were available for free from my college's AIDS action.

So we're walking down this picturesque coastline sidewalk, my backpack is on my back. I had put a sweatshirt in there or something, which is why I had it with me. There are cars parked at the meters on the sidealk, and we start to pass one that this couple in their 60s is getting into.. loading their lawn chairs and cooler and getting ready to go home. We're walking past them, and just as we pass their car, the zipper on my backpack breaks or something, and the contents of the backpack spill onto the ground. These contents are: 1 sweatshirt, 364572 condoms, 239436 packets of lube. Before I had any time to react, the 60 year old husband starts picking them all up and helping me get them back into my backpack as quickly as possible. The girl I am with is dying laughing, and trying to supress it. I'm standing there kind of surprised. The 60 year old WIFE however, starts getting snippy with her husband: "Get in the car. Get in the CAR! NOW! Let's GO! "GET IN THE CAR!"

He was trying to be helpful and the probably-conservative wife was appalled. I thought it was great.
The husband probably got in the car, gave his wife a raised eyebrow, and was like "Look what I managed to palm..." and showed her a tube of lube. Then either she hit him with a rolling pin or they had ELDERLY ANAL SEX right there.
Originally posted by the_preppy
it's too early in the day for my vivid imagination to be fed the term 'elderly anal sex'.

On the contrary it is not too early for my vivid imagination to be fed that term.

Thanks Alex, thanks for ruining the idea of sex for me for the rest of my life.