The official "I fucking hate Dragonforce" thread

bought one album that I listened like 10 times before realizing it was all the same. Meh I approve of this thread.
I'm not able to listen to the whole album at once but I don't think they are really bad. The first 2 tracks from Inhuman Rampage kick ass. The rest are good too, except for the power ballad at the end. I can really only listen to like 3 or 4 songs of their's at a time.

If you want to bash power metal, besides that there are worse bands like Helloween, Kotipelto, Dark Moor, Gayngra, Crapsody etc, bash the obligatory power metal ballad. Every band has one and they always suck.

Nevermore, Evergrey, Tad Morose, Savatage etc, the real powerful metal bands, all have those ballads because they really feel the need for it. Not because some faggy power metal kid needs one. That's why the latter bands' ballads kick ass while the earlier ones sound gay and shitty.
They aren't, they are powerful metal. I don't call Evergrey power metal either (dark-prog is what I would label them), but they are very powerful in their sound. Iced Earth, Jag Panzer, Metal Church, old Savatage, Manowar etc too.
im seeing them the day i get back from this backpacking retreat im going on with my school. going to be all tired and shit but the concert will be worth it. i shouldnt be going on this trip though because of my shoulder injury. im gona have to care 40 pounds on my back for 5 miles everyday
On the wiiiiiiiiiiings of life, by the haaaaaaaaaaaaands of hope,
by the briiiiiiiiiightest light, from the briiiiiiiiiiightest sun,
crossing siiiiiiiiiiiiilent seas, over moooooooooountains high,
to the vaaaaalleeeeeeeeeey oooof the daaaaaamned!
EricT said:
On the wiiiiiiiiiiings of life, by the haaaaaaaaaaaaands of hope,
by the briiiiiiiiiightest light, from the briiiiiiiiiiightest sun,
crossing siiiiiiiiiiiiilent seas, over moooooooooountains high,
to the vaaaaalleeeeeeeeeey oooof the daaaaaamned!
Im sorry, i read that as

Dragonforce is gay, Dragonforce is gay
Dragonforce is gay, Dragonforce is gay
Dragonforce is gay, Dragonforce is gay
Dragonforce is gay gay gay gay