The Official: I Saw Swordlord Thread


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Mar 29, 2003
Anyone else see Nathan (Swordlord) at the very front of the barrier (dead friggin' center) on Thursday AND Friday? Does the man move????LOL I think not. Does he do his business in a bucket or something? That guy is friggin' metal maN.
I saw him for sure. I was next to the rail during communic,VS, and Redemption and the brother was all grins and throwing the horns. I was having almost as much fun watching him have fun as I was watching the bands. Rock on bro!
Wow, so I've become the official "Where's Waldo" of ProgPower, eh? :lol:

I actually had a whole ton of people ask me this year, "How do you do it?" so at long last, I will reveal my secret.

1. I eat a big meal and drink plenty of water two hours before I know I'm going to be at the venue.

2. Once I'm at the venue, I do not eat at all (for reasons I hope are obvious) and I nurse maybe half a bottle of water throughout the day.

3. As far as sitting goes, it's very difficult to actually sit once you are up front, so you usually have to just tough it out. Make sure you have good shoes that are comfortable to stand in for LOOOONG periods of time. Having said this however, my feet are absolutely hating me today ... they've threatened to go on strike, hopefully I can come to terms with their union before Monday since I have to work that day!

See you on the rail next year!
I'm not saying I'm more metal or anything, but my friend Scott and I were on the barricade the ENTIRE festival, and I do believe Nathan left before After Forever on Saturday. I'm not saying.. I'm just saying.... ;)
I'm not saying I'm more metal or anything, but my friend Scott and I were on the barricade the ENTIRE festival, and I do believe Nathan left before After Forever on Saturday. I'm not saying.. I'm just saying.... ;)

He did indeed. When he walked by me in the lobby outside, I did a double-take.
"I gotta get some food!" :lol:
Of course I saw him. The man is a living characature of a metal-head. He is absolutely dedicated to getting his money's worth out of the show and enjoying the bands on stage playing. The festival absolutely wears me out (all the beer drinking certainly does take it's toll as well mind you) and there is no way I could muster up enough energy to live up near the stage like he does. Nathan is one dedicatred individual.

I also must attest to how awesome it was having my ass handed to me when I played him in Archon this weekend. Actually, I don't even think I got in a single victory during the fest. =(
hell yes i saw him, i jumped on top of the poor fellow thursday night. sorry, freak kitchen gets me a little over-excited.
I think the song "Metal Gods" should be dedicated to Nathan -- the guy is probably the most dedicated metal fan I've ever encountered and it was a pleasure getting to know him. A class act all the way! See you next year, man! And this time I am bringing better shoes!!! :headbang:
Among the people I wanted to meet this year, Nathan was most definitely one of the nicest ones. We met at the security lines checkpoint at the airport, what a class act the guy is!! See you next year buddy, stay in touch!!!