The Official Royal Carnage WTF of the Day Thread


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
some dude's nephew dies in the Iraq war, and some other dude says to him:
idior said:
My condolences . It's sad to see so many pay that price for a group of people that just don't value life as we do.
Haha, one of my roommates and best friend got interviewed by the Washington Post today... he was in the shit for 13 months and would love to see this (he loves the Arabs... no really, fucker is even learning the language now).
Sexy Little Otter said:
some dude's nephew dies in the Iraq war, and some other dude says to him: WTF.
I must be missing something cause I don't see what's wrong. He says it's sad that the dude's nephew died because your government doesn't value life as they should is that right?

edit: :lol: when you look at the quote how it turned out.
i didn't even look at it that way, perhaps you're right! i'm such a dirty commie i always assume everything anyone says is part of the vast right wing conspiracy. :loco:

i took it as the "group of people" he was referring to were the Iraqis, but i guess it is pretty ambiguous. the guy is canadian btw.
AsModEe said:
I must be missing something cause I don't see what's wrong. He says it's sad that the dude's nephew died because your government doesn't value life as they should is that right?
(i cant tell if you're being sarcastic, so i'll pretend you arent)
no. he meant that the iraqi's are druka durka terrorist scum that dont value life. hence, WTF.
same dude said:
I'm not shiting on those who aren't christian, as a matter of fact I'm not even concerned with the religious aspect at all. I am shitting on those groups of arseholes who come over here and bitch and moan about what they dont like about us. If it's so bad here, then why the hell did they come over here in the first place? Oh....I forgot, there cries of protest could not be heard in there own country cause of all the fucking noise from car bombs and grenades!!
well, i think that last part speaks for itself on where this dude stands.
i still don't know what sexy little otter is in reference to.

i googled it and most of the results were posts of mine at UM. :loco:
Sexy Little Otter said:
i still don't know what sexy little otter is in reference to.

i googled it and most of the results were posts of mine at UM. :loco:

UR famouse.

"sexy little otter" is what YOU make it out to be! How far will your legacy go?
neal said:
(i cant tell if you're being sarcastic, so i'll pretend you arent)
no. he meant that the iraqi's are druka durka terrorist scum that dont value life. hence, WTF.

uhhhh, are you positive?
i think Russell should change it to "guy who got run over by steamroller" next goround.

anyhow okay, it comes from Sealab 2021. never seen it, isn't that like one of those Aqua Teen Hunger Force type cartoons?
Sexy Little Otter said:
well, i think that last part speaks for itself on where this dude stands.

ahh, i guess that quote is how you know. never mind d00ds.

stalin wasn't a commie, he was a dictator. :p

that made me laugh either way, haha.

* "Hesh wants some sex."
* "I'm gettin ripped wide open c-section BABY!"
* "He was probably looking for his balls"
* "Now are you in, or do I have miniature John Wilkes Booth shoot you in the face about a billion more times?"

okay note to self: GO WATCH SEALAB 2021.
yeh, Stormy Waters says that he looks like a sexy little otter.
neal said:
(i cant tell if you're being sarcastic, so i'll pretend you arent)
no. he meant that the iraqi's are druka durka terrorist scum that dont value life. hence, WTF.
why would I have been sarcastic? It could be viewed your way, yeah