The official "Swordlord" kicks ass thread !!!!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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This guy is the ultimate metal-head !! I thought he was going to hit Readman in the head with his four foot arms !! He is the nine foot tall guy in the front that was absolutely jamming !!! What a fucking rocker !! I enjoyed watching him on occasion as much as the band themselves !!

Bryant said:
This guy is the ultimate metal-head !! I thought he was going to hit Readman in the head with his four foot arms !! He is the nine foot tall guy in the front that was absolutely jamming !!! What a fucking rocker !! I enjoyed watching him on occasion as much as the band themselves !!


Wow, talk about being a Johnny-come-lately to my own thread!

Bryant -- you are Mr. ProgPower! You were all over the place, spreading good cheer where-ever you went.

You also happen to be easily one of the kindest people I've ever known. You go out of your way to post nice messages about people and make people feel welcome and special.

Thanks for the post. I had a great time partying with you this year and hopefully we can hang out more next year! You exemplify everything that is good about metal music -- keep the faith brother! :headbang:

Always your friend,
Nathan "The SwordLord"
Rider of Theli said:
"four-foot long arms"? SwordLord, you wouldn't happen to be the guy who was to my left on the almost front row of folks during Therion would you? :err:

You couldn't miss him Hoyt. He's 6'6" tall and has long blond hair.

SwordLord said:
Bryant -- you are Mr. ProgPower! You were all over the place, spreading good cheer where-ever you went.

You also happen to be easily one of the kindest people I've ever known. You go out of your way to post nice messages about people and make people feel welcome and special.

Always your friend,
Nathan "The SwordLord"

I don't know about being "Mr. Progpower" but if I can put a smile on someone's face, I have done a good thing for that day.
I in no way take myself too seriously. I simply love my metal-head brothers and sisters. Can't wait until next year. Maybe the year after next (my boy is still pretty small) I can make it to one of the metal-fests up North.

And here I get to see him in all his headbanding glory at every local show. Maybe I've taken him for granted. It IS fun to watch him rock out. You all have opened my eyes to the entertainment I have right in front of me!

SwordLord, you rock and THANK YOU for convincing me to go to PP this year! And you're welcome for the introduction to White Pearl, Black Oceans on the plane ;)
Thank you everyone! SHOKROK -- email me and we'll definitely hang out at PowerFest! Where do you hail from anyway?

BlackwaterNymph -- aww, come on, just because I missed a couple of turns, doesn't mean I'm THAT bad of a driver, does it? :D

Bryant -- definitely bring a smile to my face, can't wait for PP7 -- we need to party more!

This type of thread embodies what metal does at it's best -- brings people together.

Swordlord, you are the coolest metal fan I have ever seen. My friend and I were watching you during some of the sets, and it's so much fun watching you headbang. Thanks for being cool.
dcowboys311 said:
Swordlord, you are the coolest metal fan I have ever seen. My friend and I were watching you during some of the sets, and it's so much fun watching you headbang. Thanks for being cool.

Wow, thanks man! If all my dorkiness is fun and inspiring to other fans, that's way cool! Music is such an emotional thing for me -- I can't watch a concert and not move or headbang or do something. That's why I love being on the barrier -- right where all the action is.

Def Leppard played recently in my area and the show had nearly 12,000 people in attendance -- I ended up sitting in the bleachers. When Def Leppard came out, everyone stood up but I was still standing and rocking out long after most people had sat down. Later on my friend (SeaStorm) tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Do you see that woman off to your left with the camera? She just took a picture of you!" That flipped me out! :eek: