The Offspring - Splinter


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
Not sure how many will care, but here's my two cents on the newest Offspring offering.

The Offspring tends to be a love'em or hate'em kind of band. Their songs have always tended to be simple, nothing ground-breaking, a mix of pop blended with punk. However, I've always found them to be a fun band and have enjoyed all of their albums to date.

That said, Splinter is their weakest album to date IMO. The shift from punk to pop has continued even further (80's keyboards on "Hit That"...WTF?), and the attempts at more punk sounding songs are immature and lame. I've actually liked the simplicity in their older songs, but many of the songs on this album sound like they were written in 15 seconds.

The opening song on each album before now has always been a tune to kick your ass right from the start, but this time "Neocon" fails to do that...however, I could imagine it as a good way to pump up an audience if played just before the band hits the stage at a concert.

Musically, nothing stands out on this album in a positive way. Well, there is the funny closing track "When Your in Prison", sounding as if it were recorded in the 40's, scratchy record and all, until you listen to the lyrics...however, it's more of a novelty than anything that I would find myself listening to repeatedly.

I'm not much of a ska fan, so I wasn't crazy about "The Worst Hangover Ever"...however, the lyrics could have easily been my theme song throughout undergrad university.

Overall, this one is for hardcore Offspring fans only. Fans of the older stuff that may be hoping that they'll return to a more raw punk sound should continue to avoid them.
The first two albums are better than anything you see in the mainstream punkrawk 'scene' these days. I used to be a total fanboy back in the day, heh. Other than that, yeah, they're a pretty shitty band.
I like Offspring's older stuff..but their new stuff is alright too like "hit that" ..I like that song..but I haven't bought their new album
Demons is the best, closely followed by the rest of the ST album
but a few tracks frm Smash, Ignition n Ixnay creep their way in2 my faves
i hav all but the newest (i.e. the reviewed) album
i got into offspring on Americana bt i seriously thought the earlier i went the better they got, conspiracy has a few really good tracks - i like vultures 4 example
there's no songs on the 6 albums th@ i skip, bt i heard "hit that" the other day n was convinced it was a piss-take
oh how i wish i had been right, promise me it's the worst song on the album, please?
He means the review of Death's 'The Sound Of Perseverance' - one of the more controversial reader reviews we've had on the site!

Hey there Kinkabell, good to see you on the site! People do argue here, but the arguments tend to be a lot more amusing... you should see the state of the General Music Discussion forum sometimes, or any thread that Profanity starts... :D
dill_the_devil said:
Hey there Kinkabell, good to see you on the site! People do argue here, but the arguments tend to be a lot more amusing... you should see the state of the General Music Discussion forum sometimes, or any thread that Profanity starts... :D

lol, frn wt i'v seen bro, ppl dnt take offense if ppl have thier own opinions bout stuff, somethin i'm impressed w/ cz its rare 2 find tolerence in these times (how old do i want to sound?)