The omen

I thought they did an amazing job of keeping the original atmosphere. yeah, it's a bit modern and sure, there are some cheap scares (which i don't like because especially with a movie like the omen, it's creepy enough as is without cheapening it with "BOO!" stuff) but overall, well worth seeing. Original will always reign supreme, but this is a damn fine movie.
did you wet yourself? The last movie I saw that was supposed to be scary was the Grudge...wich sucked so much the suck knobs came right off!

I must say though that I liked Saw and Saw 2 a whole bunch, Hostel was pretty sweet as well (although way over hyped) I'm probably going to go see Omen this week...Cannot wait!
To me it really seemed like the only scary stuff was the "boo" stuff. And that wasn't that great. Or frequent. So it didn't scare me much. I laughed more than I was startled. Okay movie though, especially if you're really into this kind of movie.
i heard a lot of people laughing, which there were some funny parts (like damien's constant scowl), but i think that movie is really creepy. i think the original is much more so, but they did a damn good job. i still say the "boo" stuff cheapens the movie.
If you want a real horror, watch an episode of Teletubbies.

I swear it made me insane for 10 days.
I refuse to watch this seeing as how the original The Omen is one of my favorite movies ever and a downright don't improve upon a classic. The remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was an abomination...and now the original is out of print :bah:
Yngvai X said:
I refuse to watch this seeing as how the original The Omen is one of my favorite movies ever and a downright don't improve upon a classic. The remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was an abomination...and now the original is out of print :bah:

I also have the original, but you should see it because it was good.
I don't care much for remakes, not for prequels either for that matter like the one they are making now for TCM. I really hate those shitty would-be horrors that hollywood makes nowadays.
I finally decided that I only wanna see it for 2 reasons:

1. I never saw the Original, so I'll see the Remake first, then the original, so I can say "The remake did suck ass!!"

2. So I can stand up in the movie theater, and when the priest says "From the eternal sea he rises.... until man exists no more" I can jump out of my seat, and scream out "YOU STOLE THAT FROM AN ICED EARTH SONG, YOU BASTARD!!!!!" :lol:
Ptah Khnemu said:
2. So I can stand up in the movie theater, and when the priest says "From the eternal sea he rises.... until man exists no more" I can jump out of my seat, and scream out "YOU STOLE THAT FROM AN ICED EARTH SONG, YOU BASTARD!!!!!" :lol:
Sounds fun :D
Ptah Khnemu said:
2. So I can stand up in the movie theater, and when the priest says "From the eternal sea he rises.... until man exists no more" I can jump out of my seat, and scream out "YOU STOLE THAT FROM AN ICED EARTH SONG, YOU BASTARD!!!!!" :lol:

I had that song stuck in my head for THE WHOLE MOVIE.