The ongoing Stratovarius Comedy


Nov 19, 2001
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It seems every time i look at metal news, i see another article about a stratovarius fight or breakdown. I think it is hilarious that the guitarist has hired bodyguards, and apprently has fought most members of the group. Apprently the guitarist Tolkki owns the band, and now they are making big money, he has decided to become a total tyrant. What is going on wih this band- and why does this tolkki think he is a god? I have a few of their albums, Episode is quite good, and one of the very few power metal albums i can stomach- but still its not as if these guys are world famous(except in the power metal world)- nor all that innovative.
Tolkki is an idiot....and his songwriting is becoming painfully tepid and boring.


Tolkki -

'I love music and we are not some fucking Backstreet Boys. We eat metal and shit chains.'

:rolleyes: Yeah right, talk about self-delusion. Was he sleep-writing when he composed half the material on the last 3 albums??? What a bloody fool. Sure it's his band, but he's got no right acting like an asshole and making the excuse that he's on 'heavy anti depressants' (what a loser) when his songwriting is so.....bloody.....boring and defiantely un-metal.
SculptedCold said:
Tolkki is an idiot....and his songwriting is becoming painfully tepid and boring.


Tolkki -

'I love music and we are not some fucking Backstreet Boys. We eat metal and shit chains.'

:rolleyes: Yeah right, talk about self-delusion. Was he sleep-writing when he composed half the material on the last 3 albums??? What a bloody fool. Sure it's his band, but he's got no right acting like an asshole and making the excuse that he's on 'heavy anti depressants' (what a loser) when his songwriting is so.....bloody.....boring and defiantely un-metal.
LOL!!! 'I love music and we are not some fucking Backstreet Boys. We eat metal and shit chains.'

That coming from the backstreet boy of so called power metal. That guy's song writing has gone so bad he may be eating fairies and shitting rainbows for all we know
I'm sorry, but I think Stratovarius are great. Call me crazy, but I do. Tolkki knows what he wants with his music, Kotipelto and Michael didn't agree so they left. It's not Tolkki's fault. And anyway, Michael has a amily to look after and Kotipelto already has a solo project. I'm not saying it's anybody's fault, because I'll support all of them, but back off!