the only good tv show is animal cops on animal planet


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
heartwarming stories of rescue and rehabiliation

which is the best i mean houston is probably the most varied but detroit is cool too because it's like ANIMAL COPS: GHETTO EDITION with cool black streetwise dudes bustin crackhouse doghouses but it's always the same fuckin pitbulls that they have to put down because some meth heads abused them

i miss phoenix but i don't think it's on anymore
because getting told to get out of a forum one does not belong on is very serious business that truly warrants a physical beating
in fact i would go as far as to say i deserve to die by the sword for dishonouring you.......... glory to the brave. *holds fist to heart, looks to sky*
I'm not even a tough just act like a prick that deserves physical retribution. You're arrogant and think that because of your homecountry you are entitled to it. I understand liking where you are from, but being proud of it? You didn't earn your swede-hood, it was a mixture of egg/sperm that warranted abortion.

Plus///I'm pretty pissed that my girlfriend was brought up and you did nothing to help. I called you a cutey a few threads back asshole.
I'm not even a tough just act like a prick that deserves physical retribution. You're arrogant and think that because of your homecountry you are entitled to it. I understand liking where you are from, but being proud of it? You didn't earn your swede-hood, it was a mixture of egg/sperm that warranted abortion.

Well, he speaks better English than you.
I can't ever make it to the heartwarming ending of the show because animal cruelty depresses me THAT MUCH and I change the channel.
never heard of it... is animal planet a channel then?

i just watch the food network, its so educational!
ehhh yeah it's owned by the discovery channel and it's all animals all the time

i just assumed they aired animal cops in america somehow because it's obviously produced in america

I can't ever make it to the heartwarming ending of the show because animal cruelty depresses me THAT MUCH and I change the channel.

i know it's kind of morbid and depressing but then the dogs are happy at the end and it all balances out
last night i also watched Intervention

nothing to make you feel better about yer life quite like watching how bad other people fuck up theirs!
which is the best i mean houston is probably the most varied

i remember seeing this one a while ago and the wife and i were wondering which part of houston they were in, because no one in houston owns pigs and all the farm animals. maybe OUTSIDE of houston, but i still didnt like how it painted this area as a fucking farm
haha ya theres a lot of horses and shit but i think people generally understand that's sort of outside the urban area

most of it is dogs chained in back yards in a bunch of stupid suburbs though