The only thing you'll need to hear today...


Is a giraffe farting in your face.

But since I don't have a giraffe available right now I'm just gonna leave this here... AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK YOU FUCKERS!!!!

Only because I feel like making you bastards EARN the DI's ;)

Enjoy guys and gals!!!!

-Real bass added
-Vocals verbed up

Flesh golden, reflecting truth,
Mind broken, directing,
This ruin of the people,
We fail the empire now,

Baptised, of the sun,
Surmised, I'm not the only one,
Baptised, of the sun,
Surprised, we're not the only,

Murder, the art of martyr,
Kill a ghost that we all can see,
Water, my son and watch the seeds of,

Passion, creation, free will, the end of heaven,
Passive, layman, stolen,
Your basic rights grow,
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You're certainly welcome! :) I had a listen with headphones and the mix sounds pretty good but that the bass sounds a bit 'tubby' in lack of a better word
(Psst... I'm not a 'gimme DI's naaaaoooww' kinda person, but would definitely love to give it a go, your stuff is loads of fun to mess around with)
Powerful. The time changes although cool, might need a bit more tightening.
Listening with: headphones, trusted boombox for brutal mix analysis.
You're certainly welcome! :) I had a listen with headphones and the mix sounds pretty good but that the bass sounds a bit 'tubby' in lack of a better word
(Psst... I'm not a 'gimme DI's naaaaoooww' kinda person, but would definitely love to give it a go, your stuff is loads of fun to mess around with)

Hey man! Thanks so much for the crit, the "bass" was a pitch shifted guitar so I'm uploading a newer version with mixed vocals (reverb added etc) and a REAL bass now :D V3 will be up shortly!!!

sounds pretty good man, reminds me a bit of lamb of god, dunno^^

Yeah man I definitely get that vibe too :D

VeneMorte, niiiiiice mix, man!

Thanks buddy! Although other than the bass and vocals this mix is made almost entirely by "ooidort" (he's a member in my band) so we have him to thank :D

Powerful. The time changes although cool, might need a bit more tightening.
Listening with: headphones, trusted boombox for brutal mix analysis.

Definitely with you on that man, they need some work for sure!
Dude you have a killer voice

Can't wait to hear more

Hahaha wow!!! Thank you so much!!!

Oh yeaaaaaaah. Loooovin' this sheeeeeeit. m/

Yeaaaaahhhhh boiiiii!!!! :D \m/ \m/

Nice!!! Love it!!!

Thank you Alex!!!!

Nice mix, killer vocals. Only critique I have is the snare, I feel like its spanking my ears.

Thanks man! I love the snare! HAHAHA :D SPANK ;)

damn sounds good loving the vocals sounds alot like Randy Blythe

Hahahaha this is really funny to hear because originally when ooidort was doing the vocals on the demos everyone complained and said "Argh he's just ripping off Randy Blythe" and now that he has military time I've been doing the vocals for the demos until he's free again and all I've heard is "You should so much like Randy and it's awesome!"

HAHAHA Makes me laugh so much how for some reason when I sound like Randy it's acceptable but when he does it's not hahahahaha :D

Thanks for the feedback man! Glad you're loving it!! :D
Wow! I sounds really powerfull! This rocks really hard!
Vocals are kick ass!
Great work man!)

Hahaha thank you bro!!!!! :D

Sounds great! that kick and those guitars are certainly something. I can definitely hear some Lamb of God in there :)

Bareknuckle pickups for you man!!! If you ever pick any up tell em "Joe from Karhu" sent ya! We're hoping to get an endorsement one day :D

Huge fan of LOG so it's almost impossible that those guys wouldn't show up somewhere in my tracks :D

Awesome mix dude!
Love the vibe!

Any info on the mix? what did you use for drums/guitars/bass?


Thanks man! Superior for the drums, TSEX50 for the guitars and an LTD 5 string bass (stock pickups) for the bass, just used Juicy to add some distortion / grit etc.
Killer fucking track man. A lot of nut kicking power. Personally I don't think the snare belongs in the mix. Trying to be constructive here, the snare sounds too squared. Snare is a hard instrument for me to fit into a mix, so i really can't provide any better feedback than that.