The Osbournes???


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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I try to avoid MTV at all costs, but I was flipping channels the other night and I saw a commercial for this show that was going to start soon, called The Osbournes, and it supposedly is like a "Real World" type situation except they did it at Ozzy and Sharon's house and follow their kids around and shit too. The commercial showed Ozzy in the kitchen with his daughter, I think they were talking about breakfast, but I never know what the hell Ozzy is saying anyway. Is this really necessary? I have no idea when it's going to start, I think it said March. Are they just gonna shamelessly plug OzzFest or what?? I don't get it. What if they decide to follow all rock stars around? Are they gonna make a whole new channel for it? MTV just scares me more and more with every TRL that's allowed to air.
I never watch MTV but yesterday I went to this college bar and it was on. I saw a commercial for The Osbournes and I thought it was a joke. Two fat dudes were dressed up as Ozzy and Zach Wylde head banging. I cracked up. I really thought it was the next'Kids in the Hall'. Is it really supposed to be a look into Ozzy's life? One cool thing I saw was a System of a Down video. Can't remember the last time I've seen a good one.
I just saw both commercials. The one with the two dudes in wigs and shit is awsome. I can only think that this is going to be interesting. It can't be all bad. It will give me a reason to wath shitty MTV
I've never been a huge Ozzy fan, but I've always liked him. I have two cd's and am considering burning them in effigy. Why would he subject himself to this kind of gayness? Reality Tv is for morons who wish their life was something other than the pathetic waste of semen that it has turned out to be. What are his fans gonna think about this? Damn.:mad:
Originally posted by Jeffasin
as I type this, they are playing Manowar-Blow your Speakers on VH1.

My big brother used to listen to that shit....

Manowar :cool: your big brother had good taste

I saw an ad for this in Rolling Stone just now. I am simply lost for words.....
i know....i saw that really confused me Ozzy "selling out"???? or is MTV waking up to metal.......WHAT DO I DO?!??!?!
I watched it tonight (during the Ball's timeslot, I might add) and it was fucking hilarious. I thought the commercials were stupid but this show rocks. I can't believe all the swearing that goes on. Next one should be funny with the dogs pissing everywhere. And is it me or does Jack look like Velma from Scooby Doo with that fucking hair??
I just watched the first episode and it was fucking funny as hell. My mom loves doowop music and loved the show and she knows nothing about ozzy except he's my favorite rockstar. I don't think he's selling out if anyone says he sold out because of this?!?!?! heheh think of all the fucking merch and figures they have cranked out based on ozzy. so if he did sell out he sold out a long time ago. I think it's funny they rarely play his videos yet they play a show about him and his family. and fuckit if its reality TV. I love the show. I mean take away the label "reality TV" and its a documentary. The only reason reality tv is seen as sucky is because they have all these fucking dating shows and survivor and temptation Island if they would make some good ones like this show then it would be better.