The package heard round the world


Oct 14, 2003
Swine's idea for a metal time capsule has given me an idea. Gotta find a postcard today.

How about starting a package of cd's that goes from one memeber to the next. When you get the package you add 1 disc that you think the next person will like and drop it all back in the mail.

For example: I'll start it by sending a copy of an album that I think Bryant would like to him, he checks it out (and burns it if he likes it) then he adds a copy of an album he thinks Trixxi would like and sends it to him.... and so on and so on.... We could start a letter. Each person could write what the thought of the album sent to them (and the other albums) and then a note to the next person about his/her album. So by the end of it all those discs would travel all around the world and be listened to by all of use and have a huge hand written letter with it. :)

And lets say I start it with a small box, the last person that gets the package and can not get another cd in it to mail out gets to keep them all. :) So we start another one.

Anyone up for this? I think it would be fun.
Sounds like a blast .... but there could be some holes in the plan say like the package lands on someone like me who has all the best intenions but ya know forgets about sending it shit like that lol or just some jerk (not saying anybody here is a jerk well cept for maybe Wicked Child......) that gets it and just says haha fuck you and keeps it ..... but other than that its an awsome Idea I would particapate :D
The idea is great but as the package grow bigger so wil the taxes on it grow. Also; I think it would be better sending cd-rom of burned disc's to each other. I don't know if I would be willing to sacrifice one of my albums. We have no children but we do have our books and cd's. How about this:

Greeno send's an album to JonnyD and Jonny keeps it and sends another to Sixxswine, he keeps the albums and sends a copy of that Posion album that is unavailable to Trixxie, Trixxie keeps that and sends the Culprit album to Bryant who send's me the first Watchtower album, Ill keep the watchtower album and send Greeno the Biomechanical album. How's that?
Hawk said:
The idea is great but as the package grow bigger so wil the taxes on it grow. Also; I think it would be better sending cd-rom of burned disc's to each other. I don't know if I would be willing to sacrifice one of my albums. We have no children but we do have our books and cd's. How about this:

Yeah, they would be cdr burns of course. There should not be any taxes on the package, just the cost of shipping. If it's being shipped to another country just mark it as a "gift for a friend".

I guess we could do it as just 1 disc at a time like you said, but we should still keep the letter going with it. Maybe write a review of the album sent to you and then your reason for sending whatever album to the next person. That way you could see everyone's reviews. Now that I think about it this may be the best way to go. How does this sound to everyone?
sixxswine said:
I like the idea. Count me in guys.
It's better than mine. That's so cool!

You idea is still cool! I'll get you a package in the mail the first of next week.
Greeno said:
Yeah, they would be cdr burns of course. There should not be any taxes on the package, just the cost of shipping. If it's being shipped to another country just mark it as a "gift for a friend".

I guess we could do it as just 1 disc at a time like you said, but we should still keep the letter going with it. Maybe write a review of the album sent to you and then your reason for sending whatever album to the next person. That way you could see everyone's reviews. Now that I think about it this may be the best way to go. How does this sound to everyone?

:D I was thinkin that to and whoever gets the letter last could post it so everybody that had it before can read what came after .... .:D either I'm really fucked up or this is a fun ass idea
We should defenitly do both! .... because both are great Ideas and will make a certain tangable connection between us all so you know its not just an Internet Message board its a Metal Family of sorts even though it already is .... oh shit I'm getting sentimental somebody shoot me!
sixxswine said:
It's better than mine. That's so cool!

your idea is cool in a totally different way your Idea will leave evidence that UM OLD SCHOOL exsisted you just to make sure you bury it in a DAMN good container! you dont want anything to happen to the precious materials inside :) anyways I'm sure we can all spare the cdrs lol that and hell I have 2 original copies of the one I wanted to put in :D
The disc you send should be something the person has not heard before.... that in it's self could be a challenge with this crue! :)
Of course I will send a Fuel CD to Sixx J/k Ha ha ha. In all seriousness, I might send an Accept compilation to him. Sixx seems like the type that would enjoyu Accept, but might be just a little too young to have given a generous dose of their best stuff (in my ears their best stuff BTW & MH.)
