the pain of bird flu


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
Visit site
there is a story today about one rooster in Serbia showing symptoms of the bird flu and if I do not put a "viral cock" related headline on the site, (which I won't) I will hate myself for the rest of my days.
haha some kid in the area where the rooster was found has been hospitalised with a high fever. Yet I will continue to refrain from writing "Boy hosipitalised after playing with cock" type headlines :(
It's just a flu. It'll just get rid of all the people we have to pay the retirement funds of.

Oh yes, thank you bird flu.
I liked this thread better when it had funny cock things going on, not this whole "we're all gonna die" morbid bit.

It's like that time Lisa told Rod and Todd the bedtime story and they like it at first but then when the robots showed up they got all scared and stuff.