The patriot fan who killed a person while drunk driving his SUV thru a crowd pled:

i wish the hundreds of patriots fans who crowded on my train today and didn't have to pay because the conductor couldn't get and who also prevented a shit ton of people from using the train to get to work on time plead guilty to the charge of assholity.
"Police at the scene also identified front bumper and step damage to the brown SUV. 'It looks like he must have hit a parked car earlier in the evening and fled the scene,' said Police Sgt. Red McO'Lightly, making the vehicular homicide the second hit-and-run accident of the evening for Filoma, 24."
this mom on the train today was bragging about how the last time the patriots won she called her kids' school to get them out sick for "patriots fever".

she then went on to brag about how her son streaked their yard after the super bowl waving the patriots flag.
I was driving home from CT as the game was going on and was arriving in Boston just as they were entering the final moments of the game. For a moment as the kicker came out I was instinctively thinking, "Gee, I hope he makes it" and then I realised I would be driving through the asshole-bar district of Brighton RIGHT as they won the game.

So I was muttering, "Miss...miss...miss..." as he kicked the ball. And made it. I gunned it down the main drag and then turned off on a back-road detour for the last half of the stretch and my only problem was having to weave to avoid shirtless kids running around in the street whooping outside The Last Drop (one of them did throw a shirt at the car behind me, though).