The PBR appreciation Thread


Nov 19, 2001
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Yeah so the bar I frequent just put Pabst Blue Ribbon on tap for $1.50 a pint; I am really surprised how good of a draught domestic beer it is. Has a fruity floral taste, not too sweet, but the best mass produced domestic American beer I have ever had. I tried the bottle, and it is not nearly as good. Anyway I feel like white trash downing pint after pint. So, anyone else reconnected with PBR?
Yes I am going to work on a mullet next.

Do they have PBR out in Cali? Im just wondering as it has popped up everywhere around the midwest in the last year; Cali and the effete west coast with your sierra nevada's and pinot noir's etc, may not care to associate with PBR.
Oh it's out here. First and last time I had one was about 11 years ago, stole it from my buddy's dad. Back then I'd drink ANYTHING, Hamm's, Falstaff, labelless bottles of "whisky," whatever got you fucked up. Back when I considered MGD and Bud Ice fine crafted ales. But even Pabst sucked back then, really bad. The local markets had two blue ribbons: Pabst Blue Ribbon and Blue Ribbon Bleach, I figured the connection was clear.

If I ever see Pabst on tap, I'm getting one. Pabst did have one beer that was actually pretty decent, Red Wolf or something. Not sure if it's still around.
For a cheap redneckish beer, actually it isn't bad. But, I'm an elitist, and won't buy any beer made in this Hemisphere.
Hm, I never would have guessed it was all over. Seriously though try Bud, Bud light, Miller Lite or high life, Coors,etc, and compare it to PBR--there is just no comparison. I love good beer, but when I am getting loaded I am either drinking cheap domestic beer or whatever hard liquor is available. Have you tried getting drunk on say Guinness? It takes a shit load of money, and I dont have dental insurance.