The Peel - 9th October


Power Quest
Feb 16, 2003
Thanks to everyone who came to the show - our first with the new lineup!

Thanks to all the other bands and Allan from Crimson Altar for putting the show together!
Thank you for putting on such a great show, the new material sounds fantastic, can't wait to hear it on record. It was really nice to meet you Sonia and Dee sorry my brain was so fried and I wasn't much convo.:p
Baletempest said:
Thank you for putting on such a great show, the new material sounds fantastic, can't wait to hear it on record. It was really nice to meet you Sonia and Dee sorry my brain was so fried and I wasn't much convo.:p

Thanks Baletempest. It was good to finally meet you too mate. We were a bit frazzled too. I'll catch you at the next show.
RayneEvil said:
Sorry if you can't take critism. I know it's not a great review and neither is the one on here but surely you should actually think about why stuff like that is being said.

Don't give that 'you can't take criticism' crap! You miss my point entirely. I don't care the tiniest bit what you write in your review, if you love us or hate us, you're entitiled to say what you think.

We can take criticism, no problem there at all, but to actively post a link to a review on a band's forum where you accuse them of looking like 'hookers', the frontwoman as 'disturbing' rather than 'sexy', and then round the review off saying that we merely served as foreplay to Season's End just seems to kind of hammer the point home in an unecessary way.
RayneEvil said:
Sorry if you can't take critism. I know it's not a great review and neither is the one on here but surely you should actually think about why stuff like that is being said.

Unfortunately with the review there is very little justification or explanation of the comments that are made, so instead of constructive critcism, all there is is just criticism. The language used by the reviewer appears to be serve only as an attempt, for want of a better word, to appear 'cool' and appeal to a certain audience.

It's very difficult to write a critical review, and by critical here I mean characterised by careful, exact evaluation and judgement, and even more so when the length of a review is severly limited due to space constraints, something that the review here on UM gets much closer to achieving.

It's my personal opinion that a review should inform the reader whilst allowing them to form their own opinions. This is unfortunately rarely achieved, with reviewers tending to either follow popular opinion, or court controversy for the sake of it.
Volcane said:
Don't give that 'you can't take criticism' crap! You miss my point entirely. I don't care the tiniest bit what you write in your review, if you love us or hate us, you're entitiled to say what you think.

We can take criticism, no problem there at all, but to actively post a link to a review on a band's forum where you accuse them of looking like 'hookers', the frontwoman as 'disturbing' rather than 'sexy', and then round the review off saying that we merely served as foreplay to Season's End just seems to kind of hammer the point home in an unecessary way.


Rayne did not write the review on London Rock Daily but simply pointed out something that she thought may be of interest to you, she did however write the review in the Live reviews section of this site.

If you see, she makes no comments about 'hookers' or being 'disturbing' and does not make you out to be 'foreplay' for SE. If the other review said those things and you feel they are slanderous then take up your problem with the editor of LRD and the writer in question.

Talk about jumping to conclusions.
Volcane said:
Don't give that 'you can't take criticism' crap! You miss my point entirely. I don't care the tiniest bit what you write in your review, if you love us or hate us, you're entitiled to say what you think.

We can take criticism, no problem there at all, but to actively post a link to a review on a band's forum where you accuse them of looking like 'hookers', the frontwoman as 'disturbing' rather than 'sexy', and then round the review off saying that we merely served as foreplay to Season's End just seems to kind of hammer the point home in an unecessary way.

For starters, I would never write shit like that, however much I hate a band. As you've basically pointed out, it's pretty damm rude. Please don't jump to conclusions about me writing that as I'm not that much of a cow. Secondly, and I really apologise for this, I didn't fully read the review as I was fucking pissed off too much about the fact it got posted when I in fact had written a review for the same site but there was miscommunication. I just knew the review was there and didn't assume it would cause this much offence. Still, however rude it is, just do the professional thing and laugh it off. Or, if you're really that bothered, go complain directed to the right people, not me.
Obsydian said:
Unfortunately with the review there is very little justification or explanation of the comments that are made, so instead of constructive critcism, all there is is just criticism. The language used by the reviewer appears to be serve only as an attempt, for want of a better word, to appear 'cool' and appeal to a certain audience.

It's very difficult to write a critical review, and by critical here I mean characterised by careful, exact evaluation and judgement, and even more so when the length of a review is severly limited due to space constraints, something that the review here on UM gets much closer to achieving.

It's my personal opinion that a review should inform the reader whilst allowing them to form their own opinions. This is unfortunately rarely achieved, with reviewers tending to either follow popular opinion, or court controversy for the sake of it.

I admit, those comments had no justification but in the reviewers slight defence, our word limit is very small (we both wrote double what we normally get for a live review of ONE band) and it's hard to be properly constructive when you've decided to treat the gig as though Season's End were the main band to be reviewed (which, if you look at the review on here, I have avoided doing as I thought the lineup order was a bit odd anyway).

Still, I apologise again for posting it without realising how shit it was.
Razorjack said:
she did however write the review in the Live reviews section of this site.

Talk about jumping to conclusions.

:lol: Funny, I thought that was Russell :err: Ahh, there you go, the names tucked up under the title. :p

Yep, Volcane's made the wrong conclusion, but in the heat of the moment and when something's thrown in your face, people have a tendency to do just that.

Had the reviewer justified their criticism, then I could see the merit in bringing the review to the attention of the band publicly, but where the review is in the vein of "[In my opinion] You suck", then I fail to see any such merit.

At least Rayne felt that it was great to see the band live for the first time, and she and Volcane can overlook their little misunderstanding. Hopefully, once the new tracks are made available online Rayne will be able to hear how, in the bands, and mine, opinion the vocal style fits the new heavier sound - it's just not something that is not commonly heard with the current deluge of 'operatic' vocals.
RayneEvil said:
I admit, those comments had no justification but in the reviewers slight defence, our word limit is very small (we both wrote double what we normally get for a live review of ONE band) and it's hard to be properly constructive when you've decided to treat the gig as though Season's End were the main band to be reviewed (which, if you look at the review on here, I have avoided doing as I thought the lineup order was a bit odd anyway).

Still, I apologise again for posting it without realising how shit it was.

No worries, and I hope you can forgive Volcane's little outburst - and he calls Sonia a diva ;)

Your review here was very measured and well though out. It would be great if every (good) reviewer could write as much as they felt necessary, but I fear that there are some who would never stop!

You've got me curious now, in what way did you fell the lineup order was odd?

Usually people post a link to 'their' review, so I naturally assumed that it was your review RayneEvil.

It wasn't annoyance at the actual review - I think that we've done that to death, but I couldn't understand why you semed to be taking responsibility for it - sorta flagging it up to us... :lol:

I like your 'real' review better, and it's always appreciated when people take the time and effort to review shows.


Volcane said:

Usually people post a link to 'their' review, so I naturally assumed that it was your review RayneEvil.

It wasn't annoyance at the actual review - I think that we've done that to death, but I couldn't understand why you semed to be taking responsibility for it - sorta flagging it up to us... :lol:

I like your 'real' review better, and it's always appreciated when people take the time and effort to review shows.



The reason I mentioned it was coz I write for LRD and it should have been my review up there! Seriously, I wouldn't have posted anything about it if I'd actually read it...or I might have to point out how shit it was!

I'm glad we've all get it sorted.

Btw...Russell posted my review coz I don't normally write for UM and it was easier that way as we know each other through uni.